With all my heart 作词 Lyricist : LÜCY/Everydaze 作曲 Composer : LÜCY/Everydaze 编曲 Arranger : Everydaze 制作Producer : Everydaze 合音编写 Background Vocal Arrangement : LÜCY/Everydaze 合音 Background Vocal : LÜCY/Everydaze 吉他 Guitar : Everydaze 贝斯Bass : 柯遵毓Jack Ko 爵士鼓 Drums : 纪冠宇 Kuan 鼓组录音师 Drum Recording Engineer : 陈硬核 Hardcore Chen 鼓组录音室 Drum Recording Studio : 112F Studio 鼓组技师 Drum Technician : 庄开旭 Cash Chuang 人声&木吉他录音师 Vocal&AG Recording Engineer : 沈冠霖 SHENB@fortunecoookierecords 人声&木吉他录音室 Vocal&AG Recording Studio : BB Road Studio 混音工程师 Mixing Engineer : 庄钧智 Thomas Chuang 混音助理 Mixing Assistant : 庄子萱 cts 混音录音室 Mixing Studio : 完美声音录音室 Perfect Sound Studio We were dancing on the stage in the crowded bar Don’t know how we’ve kissed each other for a thousand times And he said I'm a ****ing good kisser for him I don’t even know where we are going Just walking on the line Just walking on the line Oh Why don’t we just say it out loud? What are you afraid of? Baby I’m just waiting Right here Right now With all my heart yeah Why are we dancing on the street, but Why can’t we just tell how it feels? I’m waiting Right here Right now With all my heart yeah With all my heart yeah Two steps forward one step back It’s hard to keep up track Counted every second passed What's holding you back? But I could tell when I look in her eyes Twin flames Burning down everything in sight Are we alright? What’s on your mind? What are we now, could you shine a light? Oh Why don’t we just say it out loud? What are you afraid of? Baby I’m just waiting Right here Right now With all my heart yeah Why are we dancing on the street, but why can’t we just tell how it feels? I’m waiting Right here Right now With all my heart yeah It feels like something I’m not hiding A lil bit sweet But a lil bit bitter oh~ “WHAT’S ON YOUR MIND?" A lil bit I miss you (A lil bit I miss you) And a lil bit I like you (And a lil bit I like you) And a lil bit of guessing (And a lil bit of guessing) I'm guessing… “WHAT ARE WE NOW?" (“WHAT ARE WE NOW?") Oh Why don’t we just say it out loud? What are you afraid of? Baby I’m just waiting Right here Right now With all my heart yeah Why are we dancing on the street, but why can’t we just tell how it feels? I’m waiting Right here Right now With all my heart yeah With all my heart yeah With all my heart yeah With all my heart yeah