Goodbye Milky Way Goodbye Milky Way Enigma Shall I go? Shall I stay? 107 light years away, many times, so many doubts... but no reason to talk about... "mission is over, mission is done, I'll miss you children of the sun but it's time to go away, Goodbye, Goodbye Milky way!" for a better world without hate, from your heart believe in fate only visions and the mind will guide you to the light. "mission is over, mission is done, I'll miss you children of the sun now it's time to go and say, Goodbye, Goodbye Milky way!" mission is over, mission is done, I'll miss you children of the sun I go home, until someday I say Goodbye, Goodbye Milky way!" in 5 billion years Andromeda galaxy will collide with our Milky way, a new gigantic cosmic world will be born...