最后的轻语 作词Lyrics : Rhymist 作曲Composition : Rhymist 人声编辑Vocal Editor : Rhymist 和声Backing Vocals : Rhymist 编曲Arrangement : LusciousBB 制作人Produced : Rhymist/LusciousBB 录音Recorded : 唐天泽 录音室Recorded : NEWROAD@牛肉馆文化传媒有限公司 混音Mixd : 夏梓杰@wallace华莱士studio 母带Mastered : 夏梓杰@wallace华莱士studio Sample: Kanye West Grammys Speech(2005)-Kanye West Futura Free(2016)- Frank Ocean Nights(2016)- Frank Ocean Part1 这些年我真的很累但是我有很多话都没有说 我尝试写下来一遍又一遍写得太多涂了又抹 太多的对与错缠绕时间的纷争它在我的生活 how far is a light year last night i talk somethings sh*t with my bro 他们说放开手 去勇敢拥抱生活 ok right i trynna find myself Part2 switch intro i drive the White Ferrari back from my home ok this is last song let me sing that for u every night s**t ok last song for myself be yourself how far is a light year maybe now i gotta know now i writing the lyrics thats right u been know how far is a light year Part2 接下来的Tucks til 24 同时致敬Frank Ocean 这里指24个小时 12个钟数 同为专辑12首歌 12个钟点 同时也是本张专辑的最后一首歌 既然我写到这里了 不如我们敞开心扉说吧 有多久没有过过birthday 虽然这早就已不再重要了 Yah not important Tucks til 24 又是一圈年轮 我把歌词记在了我备忘录 i cant forget about my experience 因为只有这些经历才会懂 my family and my brothers 只有他们会站在我身后 七个小时的国内外时差 我跟路易锁在了录音棚 i can i can 我相信我可以做到的 these tracks all my heart my soul 我的心血不会就这样sold out solo so low Part3 All my night everything is all my life u like a light shining in my life All my night everything is all my life Beatswitch Kanye West Grammys Speech 2005 Everybody asked me the question they wanted to know What Kan I know he s gonna wile out I know he s gonna do something crazy Everybody wanted to know what I would do if I didn't win I guess we ll never know 感谢收听到这里 期待Rhymist的下一张专辑