Shot the Bloodclot Mouth Police say... One man with a gun shot five people! And sent hundrends runnin' from cover. Chaos around new time turn this busy Quuens street into a crime scene. Scar-up he on the concrete. Shut ya BloodClot Mouth! - Shut ya BloodClot mouth! (***** boy you don't know who you talkin' 'bout!) Shut ya BloodClot Mouth! - Shut ya BloodClot mouth! (Yeah! I'm a SouthSide *****, ****** know what I'm about!) Shut ya BloodClot Mouth! (YEAH!) (****** stunt I'll bring dem hammers out, we airing ****** out!) (Shut up!) Shut ya BloodClot mouth! If ****** want beef, grab the straps, hit em hard as a frieght train, (GRRR!) Mad dog, great thing, BANG! One man gang, Boy you get the best of me, you better burn the rest of me, (yeah!) Chef needs a specialty, you wanna hear the recipe? (ugh!) *******, baking soda, glass pot, boiling water Don't forget the ice! - ***** I'm nice! Look! I'm no \"New Jack\