You Feel So Lonely You Could Die No-one ever saw you Moving through the dark Leaving slips of paper Somewhere in the park Hidden from your friends Stealing all they knew Lovers thrown in airless rooms Then vile rewards for you And I'm gonna tell Yes I've gotta tell Gotta tell the things you've said When you're talking in the dark And I'm gonna tell the things you've done When you're walking through the park Some night on the thriller's street Will come the silent gun You've got a dangerous heart You stole their trust, their moon, their sun There'll come assassin's needle On a crowded train I'll bet you feel so lonely You could die Buildings crammed with people Landscape filled with wrath Grey concrete city Rain has wet the street I want to see you clearly Before you close the door A room of bloody history You made sure of that I can see you as a corpse Hanging from a beam I can read you like a book I can feel you falling I hear you moaning in your room Oh see if I care Oh please. Please make it soon Walls have got you cornered You've got the blues my friend And people don't like you But you will leave without a sound, without an end Oblivion shall own you Death alone shall love you I hope you feel so lonely You feel so lonely