The Best Song Ever Take a good look at yourself You’re probably singing along Lying alone in your room Or cruisin’ down an empty road Or maybe you’re on your feet In a crowd of strangers and friends The spotlight’s on someone else But you feel like you’re part of the show What’s the magic in the music And why does it bring us together like this We all have a longing inside And it keeps us singing song after song after song We’re all waiting for the best song ever It’s somewhere out there and everyone can feel it We keep waiting for the best song ever And when it arrives the whole world’s gonna hear it Yeah the best song ever Oneday we’ll all be singing it together Where will the song come from Who’s gonna find the right words Come up with a melody That rings in every human soul Well dig out your instruments Make sure they’re all in tune ‘Cause nobody knows how long But we still got some singing to do ‘Cause there’s magic in the music Just look how it brings us together like this And it keeps us singin’ song after song after song And when it arrives the whole world is gonna hear it Yeah We’re all waiting for the best song ever We’ll be singing it together We keep waiting we'll still waiting