Notice Me 陈一豪 Clear: Pour it up 饮尽我的悲伤 回忆扔后备箱 I be on my own 这游戏 当撕下这些伪装 没情绪写你眉上 就没法控制被埋葬 “ Would you take a shot with me Wanna ride with me?” 初见时我们四目相对 算我始料未及 Shawty you’ re so pretty 从我站的这个方位 This vibe直给到心里 我知你情意 空气中隐匿些许香味 无论如何都奉陪你 到冰冷的回避 我们不再相依相偎 Notice me Notice me I can’ t let you go Notice me Notice me My almost lover So tiny that no one would notice me. Don't say that you miss me. 没人愿意提起 That no one would notice me. Didn't you say that you trust me? 我太不堪一击 Notice me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah YaoDi: My baby, is your name Doja Cat? 粉玫瑰的娇媚落刹那 冰封的土壤也发了芽 面纱你何时才撕下 是真是假 自问自答 你到底为了什么着迷 我还是假装不在意 你说和他没任何交集 为何刻意转移话题 我太渺小了像蚂蚁 被遗落在角落里 是谁能将我代替 Notice me So tiny that no one would notice me. Don't say that you miss me. 没人愿意提起 That no one would notice me. Didn't you say that you trust me? 我太不堪一击 Notice me ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah 统筹:王力可/马畅远