瞬0.8 作词 : OkkotsuYuta 作曲 : OkkotsuYuta 编曲 : OkkotsuYuta 我想说不清哪天 Ican't tell which day 你就会回来 You will come back 可太多的思念 Too much missing 却压着时钟转 But pressing the clock to turn 喜欢在夜深人静 Like to be in the quiet of the night 零碎的不堪 Fragmentary and unbearable 能孤单的大胆 Can be lonely and bold 太多挂念 Too much concern 光好刺眼 The light is dazzling 殆尽之前 Before being completely depleted 你出现在我眼前 You appeared in front of me 就当是我的幻觉慢一点 Just think of it as my hallucination. Slow down a bit 如果倒转思念 If I miss you backwards 在这之前 Before that 能够将我换为你来选 Can you replace me to choose 你要让时间怎么转 How do you want the time to turn 刚错过的怎么换 How to replace what I just missed 不想到醒来缺一块 Ididn't expect to wake up missing a piece 我想过忘记 I've thought about forgetting 是最后最坏的打算 It's the worst plan in the end 一尘不染 be spotlessly clean 如此简单 So simple 你羞涩的拍下的相片纸 The photo paper you took shyly 第一次的画面 The first screen 你让我触动了这按键 You made me touch this button 是放松的那面 It's the relaxed side 再到后来慢慢的瓦解 Later on, it slowly disintegrated 在暂时分别那天 On the day of temporary separation 谁能够想到那是我们 Who could have thought that was us 两人之间最后的一面 The last side between the two 明明在这之前 Before this 相拥的如此坚定 Embracing so firmly 说着一直在身边 Always by my side as I speak 说过要一起看的海 I said we wanted to see the sea together 现在我独自等待 NowI'm waiting alone 你要让时间怎么转 How do you want the time to turn 刚错过的怎么换 How to replace what I just missed 不想到醒来缺一块 Ididn't expect to wake up missing a piece 我想过忘记 I've thought about forgetting 是最后最坏的打算 It's the worst plan in the end 我的无力成为了我的败笔 My weakness has become my failure 我是无法做到真的毫不在意 Ican't do it. I reallydon't care 我只能做的只是每天 All I can do is every day 默念默念 Silent recitation 忘记是最后最后的最坏打算 Forgetting is the last and worst plan 一尘不染 be spotlessly clean 如此简单 So simple 不断的失重 Continuous weightlessness 直到我失控 Until I lost control 没有任何理由 Without any reason 你已经看见 You have already seen 怎会相信我说的我不痛 How could you believe what I said? Idon't hurt 你要让时间怎么转 How do you want the time to turn 刚错过的怎么换 How to replace what I just missed 不想到醒来缺一块 Ididn't expect to wake up missing a piece 我想过忘记 I've thought about forgetting 是最后最坏的打算 It's the worst plan in the end 一尘不染 be spotlessly clean 如此简单 So simple