21 作词 : 张仁与 作曲 : 张仁与 总是觉得失望 Constantly disappointed, 拼命地想隐藏 desperately trying to hide 在人群中流浪 as I wander through the crowd? 还学不会假装 I still can’t pretend 还需要多少时光 How much longer until 才能回头望一望 你的脸庞 I can look back at your face? 该留下多少泪光 How many tears should I shed 才能 成为 你 想像的模样 for me to live up to your expectations? 我的忧伤 My sadness 它听来 很荒唐 as absurd as it sounds 我的 渴望 is my desire 成为你们 的力量 to become your strength 我还在唱 I ’m still singing 这首为你重复 播放的歌 啊 I put this song on repeat for you 终有一天 Eventually, 会听见 的 吧 you ’ll hear it right? 我的心 啊 my heart 它向着 你 啊 yearns for you