克隆人 作词 : 陈陈陈 作曲 : 陈陈陈 编曲 : 陈陈陈 我不是含着金勺子的大少爷,我不是裹着好皮囊的花旦角 我不是绝顶天才智商不设限,不是刀枪不入的神仙 我只是流水线上产的标准件,我只是共享身份的千人一面 我只是拒绝堕落井底小可怜,想抓住边沿看看蓝天 Aren't I one of a kind But they say we're all the same thing We all grow up fast then we'll all soon Be replace by another. I was told that I am perfect. I believed so, for now and ever But yesterday, I knew the truth. They used to clone me long long ago. my clone had made another clone. They both looked just like me, acted like me, as weak as me too. 如果大难不死会有好事在眼前,如果自虐也可以当作第二职业 如果我把妻子当作神灵来拜见,这泉水会不会晚一点枯竭 如果捂住耳朵自卑可以听不见,如果闭上眼睛孤独感不会浮现 如果进步和衰老来赛跑肩并肩,不知道哪一个会快一些 再给我一点时间,还有很多很多很多很多想法没有实现 我的替代者已经出现,真的不甘心就这样戛然而止,昙花一现 I found your clone in the cell Someone who smiles like you, put arms around me like you, laugh like you, cries like you. But as long as I can't find anything he does better than you. He is still a clone, And you are still you. I was with you for so long I've become the writer of your song I speak like you, I walk like you (now that you’re gone) even my heart beats like yours too who am I again? I am your clone too Since that you're gone, I'm on my own now I shall find myself, be me be me. Since that you're gone, I'm on my own now I shall find myself, be me be me be me be me. be me. be me. be me. like the way it's supposed to be be me,be me,be me like the way it's supposed to be 吉他 : 郑旭辰 贝斯 : 开开 架子鼓 : 周凌伸 录音 : 陈陈陈@陈陈陈工作室 混音 : 老虎 母带 : Calbi/Fallone@Sterling sound 制作发行 : 智慧小狗音乐 出品人 : 张葛 监制 : 三石一声/崔轼玄