YOUNG MAN 作词: AFMC黑子 作曲: AFMC黑子 Hook演唱: Dina 制作人: KIMWAITT/陈柯右 出品:子弹说唱 x网易音乐人 你说这条路不好走但为什么还没离开 Hey, Young man!Let's go 毫无精彩的人生随时都有可能被替代 你想追着风寻一片秋 送回家的信云以验收 可就一人一笔一盏灯 一花一木一扁舟 你怕留有沉冤心不甘 独自游走人间经数关 你说欲上青天揽明月 哪怕草鞋破裤青布衫 I’ ll be the guide for you, young man Oh~ young man Your brilliance shines through, young man Forever in your prime, forever true 离去匆匆都没留下信件 只能将思念寄冷风 苦等了家里面的爸妈 原谅儿子不想活在戏本中 一两风里就有半两沙 一场空啊就一时半响 ha 没能去想通 没人赞赏他 站在剧场中 被压在地板下 你说那是梦 那就是梦吧 过往不是伤疤但回首是痛啊 往前冲往前走才有用啊 空巷也是舞台放肆的用力的颂啊 我看你大胆的往前走(啊) 留远送别的爸妈在回家途上哭 你说他日若随凌云志 敢笑黄巢不丈夫 when you young when I was young I thought that success was all I needed that's what was gonna bring the happiness buying my mama house uh being the fame the accolades having people say yoyou're the best in the game I thought those would be the things that would bring happiness (采样人声来自: Jcole) I’ ll be the guide for you, young man Oh~ young man Your brilliance shines through, young man Forever in your prime, forever true 编曲: nosedive 混音母带:陈柯右 统筹/监制:秋葵