To America We Go ëS e Ceap Breatuinn tir mo, ghráidh TÏr nan craobh ë s nan beanntan árd, ë S e Ceap Breatuinn tir mo, ghráidh TÏr ëas áillidh leinn air thalamh. (It is Cape Breton the land of my love, The land of the trees and high mountains, It is Cape Breton the land of my love, The most beautiful land on earth to us.) (From the chorus of a song composed by Dan Alex MacDonald, Framboise, Cape Breton) Reel: A null thar nan eileanan , gu dhí Ameireaga gun teid sinn, A null thar nan eileanan , gu dhí Ameireaga gun teid sinn, A null thar nan eileanan , gu dhí Ameireaga gun teid sinn, A null rathad Shasuinn agus dhachaidh rathad Eirinn. (Over across the islands, to America we will go, Over across the islands, to America we will go, Over across the islands, to America we will go, Over by way of England and home by way of Ireland)