The Kardashev Scale Every 311 trillion 40 billion years I manifest, un-manifest, then reappear This time around I'm 15 billion years old From a place in the multiverse Where reference points are zero The only gods in this ***** are us We are the species in the labs creating **** from dust I can build a whole universe in C++ Delete the source code, In a repetitive series of cycles You believe in virgin birth Why can't you believe That I hack into the internet of a another universe's Earth? Spit with reckless abandon Describe my span the distance sandwiched Between stars and exo-planets Be prepared when you step into duel Is life the rule of thumb or the exception to the rule? Seems like an awful waste of space if it's just us We still believe pages from When they were just making this **** up And so we're clear that your thoughts Are private class functions In case the programming analogies haven't sunk in I'll take you as far back as you can take it Back when the space we currently occupy was ancient Everything you ever knew of Only happened on this one planet Found out you evolved and jumped into a panic Kick back, Witness the birth of homo sapiens offspring Cyborgs destined to roam the stars like Star Scream If God can be self-caused, so can the universe Ya'll can't think anything yourself, You need a ruler first My lyrics behave like particles and waves Every field theory united on one page Dogmatic faith is dying or dead already The last remaining are telling us to get our weapons ready Because I doubt they are going down without a fight Them in the future is us in the dark without a light You don't want me to tell you what battle's like Life and death data relayed Over globally positioned satellites You don't know when it's going down so you travel light It's easy to send troops if you believe in afterlife If I have to erupt, You'll see the flash at night Half the time I have half the mind to try to stab the mic Human beings open sourced running updates You might be living a simulation, define the substrate You might as well adopt extropian principles I always asked why until I was sent to the principal's The likelihood of What they're trying to sell is miniscule It's minimal, I just try to inform you in general The counter arguments I hear are just pitiful They just give us something else to reticule Lyrically I'm sinning too Oh yeah, that's what they say Name any other emcees whose lyrics they debate Turn it up, what the neighbors gonna say? Before you listen to Grey, Tuck your faith safe away in a safe Because I'm coming for it You gave your allegiance in exchange And got nothing for it That's why it's so abhorrent At first they knew they had to break the African women She in-turn would break the African younglings The result, we had to latch on to something Keep the body, take the mind Like soldiers training And breaking slaves in ancient times Let's take a journey up the Kardashev scale United type 2 resources building Dyson spheres And I won't live to see it but it's nice to hear Everybody who would have had the right to be there That's why you frightened and scared Your obsolete beliefs will die with you And your grandchildren will simply outgrow the God issue No longer taboo to touch religion The only thing we need left is an uprising in Muslim women