söng of songs (Instrumental) [YoungQueenz「söng of songs」歌詞] [副歌] 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Causе life is a War [主歌一] 我凝視着命運 而命運像浪 又一個又一個快捲席我 吞噬我 最後剩甚麼被沖上了岸? 失去了生命但戰勝了死亡 一切在消逝 你站在了彼岸 這世界在下沉 we're all looking for somеthing 我敲起 我哼起了歌 這旋律和痛苦我所有 You the only song 我所有 I done seen things God 我別無所求 只求 free my mind, my body And brothers in cell 手鏈和腳鐵鎖球 日子如蟲蛹裏掙扎住 蝴蝶在飛 no no these are my memories 美麗又絕望 我活在了夢裏 活了在過去 Will somebody save me? 天氣美好得彷彿值得我再活下去 燦爛嘅陽光能否不要下退 看進你雙眼直至你被這浪所帶去 凱撒歸凱撒 I don‘t belong to this world 但活了在地上 it's meant to be hurt, right? 請將我摧毀 重組 分解 鮮花放上在我身體 Moment of peace, a moment of silence Hide all your dreams, where the scar is 變成了溫度 看!空氣在扭動 變成了風 這風吹得我隱隱在抖動 祼露 真相向我無情祼露 給予我一吻 a memento mori 黑暗在招手 我卻只見光線 [副歌] 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 「黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛,我卻用它尋找光明」 Looking for answer Looking for anthem This is the life of the party 世界在火海如詩如畫 [主歌二] This is a song for a song (當歌到盡頭) This is a song for a ghost My memories haunt A song for a tank 哼着給坦克 哼着給我們 時代在摧毁又創造了怎樣的我們 空氣在靜謐 I pray for myself I pray for your soul I pray for our generation that's in pain 靠 fentanyl 好讓你忘記自己 隨時間 we laughing and we getting old together 用痛苦再找回自己 Kids we are at war We are at war and no man is safe from 苦是甚麽 對著永遠和天堂 Sometime I wonder, why is it you 總俯視着什麼 I'm looking for who? 風一吹 總歸於虛無 然後我 inhale 冰冷嘅空氣 提醒自己世界仍 in hell What if I'm leaving tomorrow? 死亡有兩次 so don't feel sorrow 所見係暫時 所不見係永遠 由再見到再見 係 Alpha, Omega, a "O" 又回到了完整 始元到結尾 看隱藏著「完美」 Said we will meet again 世界在火海 clip reload again 煙硝在地平線 sade on rewind 從前就聽聞過死 直至 kissing your eyes 病床邊我親眼 I realised 命定和預定在 on and on 我凝視 我消失 在這浪和歌 隨車窗外天邊紅光和漩渦 [副歌] 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 「黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛,我卻用它尋找光明」 Looking for answer Looking for anthem This is the life of the party 世界在火海如詩如畫 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we’re all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 神隱 Dreamin' Yeah we're all young but we died for the hope 上帝嘅歸上帝 Womb to the tomb 我顫抖 我戰鬥 'Cause life is a 「黑夜給了我黑色的眼睛,我卻用它尋找光明」 Looking for answer Looking for anthem This is the life of the party 世界在火海如詩如畫