Island Life Keep believing you soon will earn your turn to flash in the pan It's deceiving 'cause nothing kills like this metropolis can Everywhere there's blind ambition Dog eat dog and screw you You do unto others and they do unto you Everyday you fight taxicabs and traffic, permanent frowns Lay awake at night wondering if you hear burglary sounds Think it's time to make my exit Kiss all this goodbye and Catch the next flight south connecting to my island life Look at me I'm a refugee from the island life I belong where the shade is palm and the mango's ripe I'll do all my swinging in some hammock by a turquoise sea For free Guess it must be clear I do not belong in this cityscape I am not from here and I do intend to make my escape Take me back to waterfalls in volcanic canyons Where coconuts and orchids are my sole companions Look at me I'm a refugee from the island life I belong where the shade is palm and the mango's ripe How inviting it would make always killing time if you Came too Can't you see we're just refugees from the island life We belong where the shade is palm and the mango's ripe We'll do all our swinging in some hammock by a turquoise sea For free