Mr. Handphone DJ Remix Cell Phone Smart Phone Mobile Phone Handphone Smart Phone Mobile Phone Handphone Everyday day the fisrt I do I looking for my handphone I Eating I working I Drinking I Shopping Every second keep looking at my handphone I only love my handphone I only care my Handphone I only like my handphone I only concern my Handphone I only sleep my Handphone I only kiss my handphone I only hug my Handphone I am the Mr Handphone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone I only love my handphone I only care my Handphone I only like my handphone I only concern my Handphone I only sleep my Handphone I only kiss my handphone I only hug my Handphone I am the Mr Handphone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone Smart Phone Handphone