I'm Trying She said i'm not pointing fingers He said yes you are 'cause you wouldn't bring it up if you weren't If i told you i'd been walking Out in the dark night thinking Would you take as truth this alcoholic's word I can't change what's done is done But i can tell you this Not a day goes by that i Don't curse myself and all my sins And i need you to hold on to While this part of me is dying And though i haven't kicked the demons That haunt me I'm trying I'm trying She sat down on the floor And said i wish i was stronger Right now i feel fragile as glass I want to believe you Believe what's held you has freed you And i hate these doubts That keep on coming back My parent's think i'm crazy For staying here this long But there's nothing more i want for us Than to prove to them they're wrong I don't want to be afraid I don't want to think you're lying And though i haven't found the faith That i need I'm trying I'm trying He asked do you want me to leave 'cause if you do you know i will But she said much to his disbelief No i love you still Oh i love you still He said i don't know why i've been the fool But i can tell you this Not a day goes by that i Don't curse myself and all my sins Then he dropped down to his knees By now they both were crying He said i haven't been the man i want to be But i'm trying I'm trying I'm trying believe me I'm trying