Exploder he was a man of peace living on a quiet farm in North Dakota till one day all hell broke loose Tim,we need you! I'm a man of peace,I'done killing I want to raise a family that's just it Tim~they've got your family! No!!! Jack Hauser is Tim in exploder from the heart of America to the jugles of Cambodia follow one man's quest for peace Ho Chi bat,is that you? Tim,I know you come Just like old days We kill everybody. Tim,they've got your wife! But I'm not married! You are now to America He went to save his country but found his family and lost a friend Hochi~ Tim,don't leave me you taught me baseball Tim,and how to laugh... No!!! He would have been made a fine American I'll cry when I'm done killing Get yourself a body bag strap yourself in start making friends the American way Exploder evacuator Part2 rated PG may in clude patriotic garbage