Controller When you were old enough To notice something wrong Did you go to your dad? Did you go to your mom? They used to say that you're old enough to know But what's the use of that if you have no control? Still they can't take away the sun No one is trying to control it You could go somewhere and be different You could learn to love the controller When you were young enough To know exactly what to do You remember it all And why we found you They used to say that you're old enough to know You never say that you are under controll Still they can't take away the sun No one is trying to control it You could go somewhere and be different You could learn to love the controller You could learn to love the controller You could learn to love the controller Still they come to took away the sun No one is trying to control it And we could go somewhere and be different. We could learn to love the controler We could learn to love the controler