I! Alarm! Alive! Alive! 作词 : 文隽 作曲 : 文隽 编曲 : 绝对纯洁(Absolute Purity) 制作人 : Angus Andrew who’s like him the passions once turned on one million rows like mater listen to the particles funny thing with rising heat  you pull me and push me away funny thing is so funny listen to the physical I! alarm! alive! alive! I am, I’m not, alive alive! devil me need anything you can put them on my fingers tailor me those pants with all the bad flowers pretty listen to the physical I am whiny whiny whiny listen to the physical you’re now walking into the zone I found them when I go to the zone I find them animals! animals are riding the animals animals are riding the animals animals are riding the animals (monkey’s riding the elephant) devil me need anything you can put them on my fingers tailor me those pants with all the bad flowers pretty listen to the physical (I am whiny whiny whiny) listen to the physical listen to the physical animals are riding the animals animals are riding the animals animals are riding the animals (monkey’s riding the elephant) 录音 : 杨帆 混音 : Jonathan Schenke 母带 : Lachlan Carrick 厂牌 : 赤瞳音乐 母带版权归属 : 太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司 词曲版权代理:北京大石音乐版权有限公司