I Will Fly 作词 : 陈美华 作曲 : 叶勇泉 I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky 远处的呼唤 拍打脸庞 敲醒了沉睡的梦 叫醒年轻的心灵 凝望天空 让一切随风而逝 不停不停走不管风和雨昂首前行 不停不停走不管天和地旋转不停坚持地走下去 I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky 时间不停留 加快脚步 不要在梦里漫游 拥挤的人群中 渴望自由 抛开了烦恼忧愁 不停不停走不管风和雨昂首前行 不停不停走不管天和地旋转不停坚持地走下去 I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky I will fly, I will rise, I will keep it up to it, make it to the sky 没有跨不过的坎 没有闯不了的关 不管人生多艰难 总有停靠的港湾 是是非非无所谓 凡事没有错与对 不管千万人阻挡 只怕自己先投降 示弱是出卖灵魂的叛徒 逃避是中了恐慌的毒 鼓起气勇敢往前走 别放弃希望 发一分热发一分光 给予陪伴和温暖 相信命运会翻转 奇迹在前方 充满活力充满光 给生命带来力量 勇敢去追求梦想 奇迹就在前方