12:12 作词 : Martin Gross 作曲 : 白纸扇 编曲:白纸扇 念白:The captain is speaking: “All i can see is white, red dots on my retina.” Prone Error, starring a hole in the sky. Melted Cheddar is dripping off the wing. “We are here to welcome your arrival”. Cold wet trainers, I heard something different than I saw, I smelled something different than I felt, I felt something different than I saw and I saw something different than I smelled, I smelled something different than I thought and I thought something else than what I heard. Spitting whilst shitting. Box standard - umber giants, tinted mint eyes. Frogs ribbon in the alley - bronze flamingos are drinking stained water. Frozen reality, the living dead get shaken thoroughly. 12:12, resinous light, moth poison. Sweaty line of skin, unknown masters skidding over waxed parquet. 制作人:李平 录音:黄彦翔、许海@银河树录音室 混音/母带:李平 封面:龚剑 厂牌:赤瞳音乐 母带版权归属:太合麦田(天津)音乐有限公司 词曲版权代理:北京大石音乐版权有限公司