KYO 「KYO」という次元を向かえられた今日 前は想像出来なかった状況 人生の構想と真逆の方向 今までの情報からは得られないほどにUNKNOWN... 「KYO」には存在しないカースト 過去に体験してない残像 目には見えない色彩パントーン 聴き飽きないループの ONE SONG KYOから鳴るFREQUENCY CATCH IT WITH YOUR 魂 AND YOU WILL SEE ハート空っぽ、みんなに雑草扱いされたけど 今ではどうでもいい 怒りや憎しみ感じない もし許すことができないことでも 全て消去してFEEL THE ENERGY I can hear my life say, that there was no better choices, feels like, I have come a long way, thinkin' I've walked all alone. if I took the other way, if had a chance to do it again, see me, well, I am the living proof, I couldn't have made it here on my own. I see my traces, soul went places, remembering faces that always stood by me... I thank their voices, words, laughs, tears and I'll keep my promise, I'll keep going my way... no, I don't need to turn back time once more, if all my answers are here in my KYO, won't look anywhere, just live for today... I'll never doubt on myself anymore, for all your loves got me here, push me forth, won't search anywhere, my KYO's in my heart to stay... もう、このZONEに戻る事が 出来なくても残る鼓動 残る音、どこまでも いつまでも「KYO」