Being Me (Prod. 张杰峻) 作词 : Lorenzo 作曲 : REVIVAL MUSIC Mixed by Lishifu Verse 1 Back in the school I was meeting all y'all fools (回到在学校的日子 每天和你们一起耍) Bonding the relations was the proper thing to do (结识你们是我的荣幸) Am I doing well for myself... I don't get to choose (告诉我现在的我过得到底如何 因为这由不得我来决定) Making these rap song expressing how I feel (我不善言辞 只能通过说唱来诉说我的想法) We don't have no conscience, we're little kids (曾经的我们还是小屁孩 没有三观) Listen to tho old school like we're living by the streets (听着老派说唱屌得不行 把自己弄得好像混迹在街头) Lacking of money that is what I get to eat (也没什么钱 那可是用来维持生命的) Cigarettes have became my replacing for the meat You see... After the primary I met my first love I fell in love for 2 years, then the curse dropped Tryna hold my pride having these bad dreams (还不是太过自傲 导致夜晚噩梦连连) Abusing unconsciously... all these mad things (那时候甚至出口成脏 愚蠢至极) No matter how I cry, I just can't beat my pride (无论如何尝试 我都没法打败我的骄傲) So it never work, how about committing suicide (反正都不起作用 那么去自尽又如何) I realize those **** I don't even need to care (后来才意识到 我没必要多在乎别人的想法) Fxxk opinions Whether if you're a dolphin or a bear (去他的偏见 管你是什么样的人) Whether if you're dare to be yourself in public (敢否在他人面前表露真实的自己) Fxxk it, I'll be myself so y'all better suck it (管他的 我就会选择做我自己) Nobody took it serious but somehow I did it (我既是笑柄的料 没人比我更加合适) I'm being hilarious but no one else fit it (可我还不是做出了一番成绩) Now I see through the galaxy My parents being mad at me They don't know those motherfxxkers turned their back on me (他们不了解我所经历的一切 包括背叛) I was a pure tragedy, look at me! I was punched but there was no one would have been there helping me No matter where I go I won't need the wings (无论我去到哪里 我不需要其他人) For my dreams keep me high off those troubles and the things (坚信自己的理想能够带我远离麻烦) Used to wanna be a king, I'll be crossing my 10 fingers (十指交叉 在迷茫中做过许多白日梦) 想法太过中二 双眸不够清澈 These're real stories, real characters and real backgrounds So this is me being me I couldn't stop wondering...What would I be without my imagination? (我不禁联想... 如果失去了我的想象力 我会变成什么样的人?) What should I do when there's no one to support my ass? (在没人帮助我的时候 我又该怎么做?) And here goes the real talk (这些才是Real talk) Verse 2 展翅翱翔的双翼 被想象力染上金色 元素充斥大脑 除了星空还有银河 Miss Zhou wanted me to listen, but I refused her (周老师想让我认真听课 但我拒绝) I studied on my phone and my personal computer (英语这门语言 我自学就行) I started to write some rap, tried to paint my fxxkin' step (我开始作词说唱 想要描绘我的蓝图) Pay attention for tha class only make me a loser (听那些没用的英语课 只会拖慢我的进度) From that time then I know world is fxxkin' cold (从那时起 我就知道这个世界是冰冷的) Nobody be with you when you're growing old (在你成长的路上 不会有谁一直陪伴在你身边) They don't give a crap about your amazing songs (没人在乎你的努力) Road is all alone except your aging soul (除了你自己的灵魂 这个过程永远是孤单的) 总是看似像被孤立 只是怪我性格孤僻 吃过多少的哑巴亏 或被朋友置之不理 走过坎坷曲折 只能一个人听着歌来出气 别再装做独立 困惑时更别提会有人助你 我相信我的遭遇 绝对不算意外 过去属于过去 上帝好让我们祭拜 握紧这把剑把障碍逐个击败 希望多年以后我们依旧同仇敌忾 Yeah, the heart inside me isn't empty That's how I feel things That's why I could sense everyone's emotion I think about my surroundings, I think... So I... Actually I feel things, I can feel Verse 3 Nobody give fxxk about me demonstrated me (没人在乎我 只会拿我的成就去吹嘘) Told not to play wit those... confiscating these (学校也只会限制我 没收这个那个的) Influences turned really bad (老师说我会造成坏的影响) Truth is more than it knows within' my arrogance meets (实际上只是我的傲慢屏蔽了现实) Problems with my family, rules could strangle me For once I thought they could never be understanding me Then I ran a conflict wit my grandad I ain't no bastard I'ma prove it in regret 现在所剩无几 早就失去小伙伴 被我的暴躁人格驱赶 时常变得恼火但是 风水轮流转 当下的皇帝交给老子干 该忍的我都忍了 算算我吃过几年老实饭 没法忘记读过的书 在课堂转的笔 不只有红色bogo T恤和球鞋烂的底 由衷感谢身边所有homies把我看得起时 被诧异的目光聚焦 却能让我站得笔直 我们不能复活 还要吸着比氧多的霾 生而为人选择不多 还得看你摸的牌 Organized 说实在 要按照我的说辞来 Modify me to a weapon 看看是谁缩得快 (把我改造成一件利器) Dear homie I warn you! Put on a little more tonight! When I get to correct you, not do it for the lies! (我不会为了谎言而将你的想法更正) Looks like... Argument's gonna be a war to fight (似乎争论即将演变成战争) I wanna help you guys, why do y'all look mortified? (我想帮助你们 可你们为什么好像都虚了?) Seriously why do y'all look so fxxkin' mortified? 说真的 你们为什么看起来一个比一个虚? I don't understand, man 我不能理解 Is there something wrong with me? 难道是我自己出了毛病? I don't understand... 我不明白 I don't like to preach, but... 我不是要说教你们 This is me being me, and it's a fxxkin' real one 这是我在做我自己 最真实的自己 Hope y'all could understand 希望你们能够明白