Wasted Living in a man machine Sucking on an artificial everything, Flying on a metham-freakin-phetamine Waiting for a 6 foot drop. Ritalin addiction, Fighting for attention, Born into a quick-fix prison of existence, We're serving 35 years to life And I just can't take it. ' Cause everybody's getting wasted. I guess we're living a dream. Everybody's getting wasted, Without taking a drink. Everybody's getting Oooh oaah... If you want it raise your hand, Corporate Churches worshipping a payment plan, Take us by Your graces to the Promised Land, And give us more than what we've got. Kiss it like a victim, Develop a symptom, Fight it like they tricked you into intervention. I don't need a single thing I take, But I'm learning to fake it. ' Cause everybody's getting wasted. I guess we're living a dream. Everybody's getting wasted, Without taking a drink. Everybody's getting Oooh oaah... ' Cause everybody's getting wasted. I guess we're living a dream. Everybody's getting wasted, Without taking a drink. Everybody's getting Oooh oaah...