WHY TRY TO CHANGE ME NOW 作词 : 天府事变CDREV 作曲 : Cy Coleman/Joseph A. McCarthy why try to change me now (remake) 编曲:Seven 后期/母带:mAjorhon ROY:Chain me Chain me to the flame The fear of pain we all the same So why torture me beat me to death I want a colorful memory till i cut out my breath No more threat No more "what you have to do" no more "you got nothing to lose" No more "need to settle down" No more "get married and rooted" What am i A program A plan by your own hand A pick-up before the phong rang let go of me my old friends 王梓鑫:我吃了伊甸园的禁果 我错了 这不是我想要的结果 我变得喜怒无常 也不分善恶 强迫自己学会接受这个世界定的规则 怎么能这样 我变得越来越不像我 对你撒了太多谎 想到 成长就出现在变化之上 get me down... AngelMo:I’m sentimental So I walk in the rain I’ve got some habits Even I can’t explain Go to the corner I end up in Spain Why try to change me now PISSY:I was buried into the ground scary to make a bounce and to take a rest to handwrite my lyrics down though hard as it ever was my spirit is never a limit but my lemon is reminiscing the sour and its minute and my power isn't really getting ready for revealing the real story then see what's on when I am outta here and darkness always covers my eyes but I'm still trynna seek for the way and recover my life NOG:不想坐你身边像呼吸着焦灼空气 和朋友约了23次聚 没去也不是本意 我想关掉手机 想好了措辞 再一一解释 直到推辞再继续 我不是长了刺 相似的情况有所不同我像是 一夜间把爱的能力丧失 是否再也不能和非我的人建立关系 再将快乐传递 容纳周遭的喧嚣但深埋内心 AngelMo:I sit and daydream I’ve got daydreams galore Cigarette ashes There they go on the floor Go away weekends Leave my keys in the door Why try to change me now I’m sentimental So I walk in the rain I’ve got some habits Even I can’t explain Go to the corner I end up in Spain Why try to change me now I sit and daydream I’ve got daydreams galore Cigarette ashes There they go on the floor Go away weekends Leave my keys in the door Why try to change me now