Act II: Eternal Youth is Worth A Little Suffering ASTROLOGER I don't think you should shoot before July 15th Right now is a perilous time for Pisces If you want 'til Venus is in Capricorn You'll avoid a catalogue of crises MASSEUR 1 I need three more weeks to get these thighs in shape No more carbohydrates, don't be naughty MASSEUR 2 We'll soon have you skipping like an ingenue You won't look a day over forty BEAUTICIAN 1 We have dry heat, we have steam BEAUTICIAN 2 We have moisturizing cream BEAUTICIAN 3 We had mud-packs, we have blood sacks BEAUTICIAN 2 It's a rigorous regime ALL Not a wrinkle when you twinkle Or a wobble when you walk BEAUTICIAN 3 Of course, there's bound to be a little suffering ALL Eternal youth is worth a little suffering ANALYST Listen to your super ego not your id Age is just another damn neurosis I'll have you regressing back to infancy And back into the womb under hypnosis DOCTOR I inject the tissue of the fetal lamb The forumla's the one Somerset Maugham owns Just modest course of thirty-sevent shots And you will be a heaving mass of hormones ALL No more crow's feet, no more flab No more love handles to grab You'll be so thin they'll all think you're Walking sideways like a crab Nothing sagging, nothing bagging Nothing dragging on the floor Of course, there's bound to be a little suffering Eternal youth is worth a little suffering Of course, there's bound to be a little suffering Eternal youth is worth a little suffering