Act I: Every Movie's A Circus ALL: Every movie's a circus On the wire without a net JOANNA Coffee? MYRON: I'm up too early Shooting at seven I gotta go ALL: Movies BOY: What's wrong? GIRL: Can't get a screen test Don't you hate it When a yes-man says no? ALL: Movies GIRL: Good part? BOY: I'm a policeman "Hands up, punk!" That's all I say ACTOR: First time you've worked on the lot there ACTRESS: I must say R.K.O. are O.K. ALL: Movies BOY: Then what? GIRL: He pressed a button Out of the wall Fell a four-poster bed ALL: Movies MYRON: Busy? JOANNA: They shot my screenplay MYRON: Isn't that great? JOANNA: No, they shot the thing dead ALL: Every movie's a circus On the wire without a net BOY: Lonely? GIRL: That's how I like it. BOY: Can't you be nice? GIRL: Why? We're not on the set. ALL: Movies ARTIE: Hey, Joe What are you, slumming? JOE: Here for a meeting ARTIE: This time of night? ALL: Movies JOE: Yeah, it's some studio smartass You know I'm famous for being polite ALL: Movies ARTIE: Guess what? I'm getting married JOE: Congratulations ARTIE: She'll be right back ALL: Movies ARTIE: Fact is, we were just leaving She's been stood up by some uppity hack ALL: Movies JOE: Married. Who would have thought it? Why don't you look happy? Come on, be brave ALL: Movies ARTIE: It's this movie I'm shooting JOE: You first assistant? ARTIE: More like a slave ALL: Every movie's a circus ARTIE: But this is a circus movie as well Problems, nothing but problems Animals, actors Two kinds of hell ALL: Every movie's a circus On the wire without a net BETTY: Well hello, Mr. Gillis ARTIE: You two have met? JOE: I'm the uppity hack ARTIE: And she's the studio smartass BETTY: What's going on here? BARMAN: Artie, they're calling you back. BETTY: I just reread "Blind Windows" It needs some real re-working, of course If we fixed up the opening ARTIE: Call up the wrangler Pay off the horse