hang me oh hang me(Cover Oscar Isaac) Hang Me, Oh Hang me, and I'll Be dead and gone 绞死我吧,绞死我,我终会离开 Hang Me, Oh Hang me,I'll be dead and gone 绞死我吧,绞死我,我将直面死亡 wouldn't mind the hangin 绞刑又算个什么东西 but the layin in the grave so long 不过是长眠于坟墓的时光实在太长 poor boy 可怜的人呐 i been all around this world 我独身在这世界游荡 I been all around cape girardeau.. parts of Arkansas 我去过开普吉拉多..和阿肯色州的部分地区 all around cape girardeau.. parts of Arkansas 去过开普吉拉多..和阿肯色州的部分地区 got so god damn hungry 一路饥肠辘辘 I could hide behind a straw 哪怕是一根稻草也能将我救赎 poor boy 可怜的人呐 i been all around this world 我独身在这世界游荡 went up on the mountain 爬上某个山顶 there i made my stand 在那里驻足 went up on the mountain 走上那个山顶 there i made my stand 在那我表明我的立场 rifle on my shoulder 肩上扛着来复枪 and a dagger in my hand 手里拿着匕首 poor boy 可怜的人呐 i been all around this world 我独身在这世界游荡 So Hang Me, Oh Hang me, and I'll Be dead and gone 既然如此,不如绞死我吧,绞死我,反正我终会离开 Hang Me, Oh Hang me 绞死我吧,绞死我 I'll be dead and gone 反正都要直面死亡 wouldn't mind the hangin 绞刑又算个什么东西 but the layin in the grave so long 不过是长眠于坟墓的时光实在太长 poor boy 可怜的人呐 i been all around this world 我独身在这世界游荡 put the rope around my neck 来吧,把绳套挂在我的脖子上 hung me up so high 把我高高的吊起来 put the rope around my neck 用那绳套圈住我的脖子 they hung me up so high 将我高高的挂起来 last words i heard em say 残存世间之际我听到他们说了最后一句 it won't be long now for you die 你这家伙就快要咽气了 poor boy 可伶的人呐 i been all around this world 反正我一直独身在这世界游荡