Many Moons Ago(Cover Empyrium) 作词 : Empyrium 作曲 : Empyrium a night of december so dark and cold, 十二月的一个阴暗寒冷的夜晚 I walked a path ages old 我走过一条古老的小径 the moon amongst the clouds revealed lightning valleys, forest and field 乌云间的月亮照亮了蜿蜒的山谷、森林和大地 embraced by silence i wandered the moor an endless landscape by my side 被寂静包围的我在旷野中漫游,无边的景色尽现眼前 when in the mist i saw a light dancing through the hazy night 在阵阵薄雾中,我看见一束光焰在朦胧的夜色里舞动 I stood and watched the play in awe was deeply touched by what i saw 我停下脚步,惊惧地看着这场演出,深深地被眼前的这一幕所触动 I told my friends what i did see and what they told did tremble me! 我告诉朋友们我看到的一切,而他们的回答则让我感到震颤 It's said the ghost of a young, fair maid “传说这是个年轻美丽的侍女的幽灵 is cursed to dwell beneath the shade of the olden oak she died below 她被诅咒,灵魂居住在她死去的那株古老的橡木的树荫下 o that was many moons ago! 哦,那是许久以前的故事了!”