我好皱 作词 : Sukana Luyee 作曲 : Sukana Luyee 我好皱(Prod. Zeeky) CPG/Sukana Prod. Zeeky Mixed. Sukana Luyee Trans: Sukana Luyee Oh...我 Shh I woke up 4:00PM 我又睡到下午四点 8 hours I tranced tho 就这样荒废了8个小时 Shh I woke up 4:00PM 我又睡到了下午四点 8 hours I tranced tho 就这样荒废了8个小时 Brush down germs for millions 刷牙消灭百万个细菌 They still come tomorrow 不过明天它们还是会回来 Sunlight into my bathroom 阳光洒进厕所 'gether wit the fkin' car horns 同时还有街上车笛的声音 Where is my breakfast 我昨天买的早餐呢 Oh last night I fed it to the stray cats 哦昨天晚上回来的时候喂给小区里的野猫了 Umm... 额... Im so hungry now 我好饿咋办 Umm... 额... Could u give me it back? 那个猫猫把早餐还给我吧 Bagmen of the LianJia near the metro station 地铁站外有很多链家推销员 They don even walk up to me maybe I looks so broke 但是他们都不走上来问我买不买房子,可能我看起来就很穷 WINORDIE call me to the studio so I join the big queues 就是因为阿泰让我去工作室所以我才排那么长的队挤地铁 When it's my turn to check the gate I find my metro card left behind 等终于排到我刷卡进站的时候我发现我把地铁卡忘家了 What a nice day! 多么美好的一天啊! Umm... 呜呜我好皱 Umm... 呜呜太皱了 我爱你