希望与欲望 作词 : Naggy 作曲 : Naggy 编曲:Yocho 希望就像是簇灯火 助你一日千里 欲望就像是个无底洞深不见底 渴望与贪婪是否共存在你的眼里 已旅行到黄昏之时是时候该找个掩体 想去跟随候鸟迁徙 想看雨过天晴 想不受外界影响因此航线不会偏离 才发现自己才是自己的天敌 所以才会迫使自己不停的迁移 wow they ducking cases i saw them leave i been ducking myself as enemy who saw me bleed 你是否早已麻木用物质去麻痹 也不愿承认有些东西早已离你而去 不期而遇 不惜而拒 内心的真切于这千里之外 带你来到这一刻却不解你心头之快 希望仍在 但事实是欲望导致你失败 cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry 是希望让我奔跑欲望让我跌倒 是希望珍惜分秒欲望停留在街角 希望远离纷扰欲望带来了争吵 捡起贪婪渴望的躯体也不再奔跑 i know its hard for us 并不是行为的克制 i know bottles and models and money but 不想谈论娱乐设施 不想只听歌不听歌词 不想被人测试 huh 我想要有一天不用逃避苛责 因为那些已形成的标准太苛刻 我想要不用煲这些鸡汤给你也未必喝 有些话我明白的彻底在这里也未必说 我猜希望是爱 欲望则源于嫉妒 我希望你记住 即使乌云密布 我仍旧觉得希望还在 只是欲望它带你到了如今的地步tell em why cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry but those are illusions and i think you know now think i found the way out think i know where the hell to go now cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry cuz we all been blind wanting it bad in a hurry