A letter from a maniac (feat.周乐嘉) 作词 : 黄鹄举 作曲 : 黄鹄举 Dear Rap,亲爱的说唱, I’ve been down these days and 最近我过的挺消沉 I’m writing to tell you something 我写这封信是为了告诉你一些 that I’ve never told anybody else before. 我没有对其他人讲过的话。 这路途好漫长 我多么希望能够不辜负年少时光 伴失落与感伤 当走过每条歧路 方可长风破浪站在彼岸上 Recently, I haven’t done much writing memories colliding 最近我没有写太多东西,因为头脑中很乱,记忆在碰撞, but somethings arriving to be honest 但似乎什么东西快到来了 Just to take my time for strolling 我想慢下来,花些时间去漫步随想 instead of working at my limit 而非全力突破自己 But my timer’s counting down 但是我的时间却并不多了 measure with days hours and minutes甚至按每日每时每分计算着 You,no more than spitting rhymes keeping the flow and write lyrics 你呢?其实不过是押韵、flow和歌词啊 Eroding my body at the same time feeding my spirits 为你(不眠的夜晚)侵蚀着我的身体,可同时你养育着我的精神 How do I be the man to always excite the fans 我到底怎么样才能一直让粉丝激动沸腾? I know how it works but you told me to xxxx the fame 我可能知道怎么经营名利,但你告诉我别去在意 I don’t really got a lot of blessings 我并不是个天赋出众的人 Thats why so afraid to say it‘s destined 所以我真的不敢说这就是我命中注定的选择 At times, I did sing off the keys 过去我唱歌连调都找不到 Yelling I wanna get it right 只是想要更好听 Ignoring the key is being patient 但或许耐心才是关键 Still remember that question 我依然记得那个问题: Have you ever dreamt about one night 你有想过某天晚上在舞台上 In front of thousand kids of your kind,面对着上千个像你一样的孩子 they all sing your rhymes right?而他们都能唱出你的韵脚的情形吗? Well, It gonna be a good view but will it come true 啊,那肯定是很美好的画面,可是那会成真的吗? or slowly die as youth mania 还是像所有青春的狂热那样慢慢的逝去? 这路途好漫长 我多么希望能够不辜负年少时光 伴失落与感伤 当走过每条歧路 方可长风破浪站在彼岸上 I stepped back and then you took the hit 你替我承受着打击 I know they been judging rappin’ 说唱总被人随意评判 Okay I’m just reciting xxxx 好吧,我的确就是在背些废话 Maybe way more than a part of hiphop element 不只是hiphop的部分 You are like art to me 你对我来说像是艺术 Recall at my lowest you were there to pump the heart for me 在我最沮丧的时候你带给动力 Filled up all the holes bleeding 填满每个流血的伤处 and lift up the old me and 让过去的我振作 gave me a reason to hold on to music I still believe in it 给我一个理由去坚持音乐,对,我还依旧相信着 Free me from the cages, brand new pages, 打开了囚笼,翻开新的一页 dreaming of living on stages, combined races, 我梦想舞台上的生活,能把不同的人都吸引 Though I’ve been down and devastated 是啊我曾经失落和悲痛 all I gon’ need is patience 但我只需要耐心 Still I day-dreaming one day in my life all the lights just shine on me 我依旧做着白日梦,会有一天所有的灯光都照着我 I been all alone been waiting for long people got me wrong these thoughts were kept inside me for private only. 这条路孤独而遭受人们误解,这些我并不会对别人谈起 Man, understand me, I don’t really have a plan B 相信我吧,我没有别的计划了 Dream and reality trapped me in a matrix 梦想和现实把我困在了无人之境 Everybody wanna be a winner admit it ain’t nobody has to hate this 承认这个并没什么,我是想做个赢家 So don’t you fade away from my vision just come back and embrace me. 所以你别从视线离去,快过来和我拥抱吧 这路途好漫长 我多么希望能够不辜负年少时光 伴失落与感伤 当走过每条歧路 方可长风破浪站在彼岸上 Loved you for six years 6年了 Burst in a lot of laughter, also shed tears 经历了无数的笑声也伴随着泪迹 Past life and memories they all rest here 过去的时光和记忆都一直留在这儿 All because one summer afternoon I ran into you and said yes. 而这一切都因为在那个夏天的午后,我偶然遇见了你 Best regards, 顺颂夏祺 Summer 2018 2018年夏天