HAPPY PARTY wee tolovely party we've got the happy party. we like the lovely party. we'll have the party dance. 哦为什么这么吵 里面到底有什么? 我好久没跳舞了 星期六去跳舞吧! 我们的心中充满欢乐 就算久久相见一次也好 我们的心中充满甜蜜 今天会很长 要一直在一起 let's party we like to party. 心中如果happy就靠过来 let's party we like to party. 心中如果lovely就靠过来 enjoy to happy party. we dance in lovely party. we like the happy party. let'sget in to the dance. 想怎么跳就怎么跳 只要你敢就来跳 不要害羞带头跳 that's happy party dance.