Linkin Park-Linkin Park Mashup (Mix & Match)(Mike Zhou Remix) 作词 : 无 作曲 : 无 GOD! 神啊! The nights go on 黑色幕帘缓缓拉下 Waiting for a light that never comes 等待虚无缥缈微光 I chase the sun 大步追随烈日千阳 Waiting for a light that never comes 等待虚无缥缈微光 Ohhhh ohhh ohhhh 哦哦哦哦哦 Ohhhh ohhh ohhhh 哦哦哦哦哦 Ohhhh ohhh ohhhh 哦哦哦哦哦 Waiting for a light that never comes. 等待虚无缥缈微光 You gonna get out of sight 离开我的视线 You push it back down 重返不快 You push it back down 重返不快 NOOOOOO!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! You'll never get out of sight 我再也不想见到你 You push it back down 重返不快 You push it back down 重返不快 NOOOOOO!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! You gonna get out of sight 离开我的视线 You push it back down 重返不快 You push it back down 重返不快 NOOOOOO!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! You'll never get out of sight 我再也不想见到你 You push it back down 重返不快 Blackout, Blood in your eye! 骤然晕厥,眼角发红! There's a time, when the operation of the machine becomes so odious. 有这么一个时代,操作机械变得如此令人讨厌 Makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part, 它让你变得如此身心俱疲,以至于你不能参与这项工作 You can't even passively take part. 甚至不能被动的参与 And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, 你不得不把你的身体放在齿轮、轮子上 Upon the levers, 放在杠杆上 Upon all the apparatus. And you've got to make it stop!" 放在仪器上。而且你不得不让它们停止! To save face, how low can you go? 为了挽回颜面,你能做到何般低贱 Talk a lotta game, but yet you don't know. 纸上谈兵多年,仍不知其中玄妙 Static on the wind, makes us all say whoa! 逆风而行,纹丝不动,众人皆呜呼哀哉 The people up top push the people down low. 上层尽是压迫我辈草民之人 Get down, and obey every word. 我等只能逆来顺受,忍气吞声 Steady, get in line if you haven't yet heard. 站稳,如果仍未闻其声,请排成一排 Wanna take what I got, don't be absurd. 想得到我拥有的吗?简直是痴人说梦 Don't fight the power, nobody gets hurt. 不要试图反抗当权之人,这样没有人受伤 If you haven't heard yet, then I'm lettin' you know 如果你还未知晓,我就让你知道 There ain't **** we don't run when the guns unload 枪未上膛,一切都是白扯 And no one make a move, unless my people say so 在广大人民言语之前,没人会采取行动 Got everything outta control, now everybody go 天下大乱,人走房空 This is not the end, this is not the beginning 这不是开始 也远未结束 Just a voice like a riot rocking every remission 只有狂欢的声音摇动着每次的宽恕 Once you listen to the tone in a violent rhythm 你听着那暴力的节奏 And all the words sound steady, so nobody forget 'em 尽管词语听似深沉 其中却是空虚 Say yeah with fists flying up in the air 我们呼喊着 拳头高举着 Like we're holding onto something that's invisible there 好像要抓住虚空 Cuz we're living at the mercy of the painted riviere 因为痛苦与恐惧支配着我们的生活 Until we get it, forget it, let it all disappear 直到我们走了 直到我们忘记 Waiting for the end to come 等待结局的到来 Wishing I had strength to stand 祈祷自己还有力气看到那天 This is not what I had planned 然而这一切并不是我计划的 It's out of my control. 我无法掌控 Flying at the speed of light 脑海中飞速旋转的 Thoughts were spinning in my head 是关于你的想法 So many things were left unsaid 那么多人和事,没有预兆的离开 It's hard to let you go 还有那么多要说的话 不舍放手 I know what it takes to move on 我知道前行需要付出什么代价 I know how it feels to lie 我尝过欺骗的滋味 All I wanna do is trade this life for something new 我惟愿以此生换取全新的东西 Holding on to what I haven't got 并且持守我未曾得到的 Sitting in an empty room 静坐在空荡荡的房间里 Trying to forget the past 竭力忘记过去 This was never meant to last 然而这不代表着继续 I wish it wasn't so 望其非此 I know what it takes to move on 我知道无舍无得 I know how it feels to lie 我也明白说谎的歉疚感 All I wanna do is trade this life for something new 我惟愿以此生换取一些全新的可能 Holding on to what I haven't got 并且持守我未曾得到的 Yo yo what was that when I thought it was done? 尘埃落定还有什么留下? I thought it felt right, but the right was wrong 当我坚持的一切都指向错误的前方 All caught up in the eye of the storm 当我身处平静的暴风中央也无法思考 And trying to figure out what it's like moving on 尝试着确定前行是什么感觉 And I don't even know what kind of things I said 我甚至忘却了我说过什么样的话 My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead 我的嘴唇不停的颤动 心却早已死亡 So picking up the pieces now where to begin 所以,在最开始的地方拾起那些记忆的碎片 The hardest part of that is starting again 但却无法拼凑出另一个开始 All I wanna do is trade this life for something new 我做这一切 是想要我还未拥有的新生 Holding on to what I haven't got 并且坚持我未曾得到的 This is not the end, this is not the beginning 这不是开始 也远未结束 Just a voice like a riot rocking every remission 只有狂欢的声音摇动着每次的宽恕 Once you listen to the tone in a violent rhythm 你听着那暴力的节奏 And all the words sound steady, so nobody forget 'em 尽管词语听似深沉 其中却是空虚 Say yeah with fists flying up in the air 我们呼喊着 拳头高举着 Like we're holding onto something that's invisible there 好像要抓住虚空 Cuz we're living at the mercy of the painted riviere 因为痛苦与恐惧支配着我们的生活 Until we get it, forget it, let it all disappear 直到我们死去 直到我们忘记 It's in the black and bolds 现在只剩下一堆黑朽的残骸 Of bridges I have burned 在我点燃的桥上 So don't apologize 不必道歉 I'm losing what I don't deserve 我失去的只是我不配得到的 What I don't deserve 本就是我不应得的 I'm swimming in the smoke 我在烟雾中挣扎 Of bridges I have burned 在我点燃的桥上 So don't apologize 不必道歉 I'm losing what I don't deserve 我失去的只是我不配得到的 The blame is mine alone 这是我一个人的责任 For bridges I have burned 是我点燃了桥 So don't apologize 不必道歉 I'm losing what I don't deserve 我失去的只是我不配得到的 What I don't deserve 本就是我不应得的 What I don't deserve 本就是我不应得的 What I don't deserve 本就是我不应得的 I used the dead woods to make the fire rise 我用死者祭奠升起的火焰 The blood of innocents burning in the skies 无辜者的沸血依然燃烧着整片天空 I don't know what's worth fighting for 我看不清这场斗争的意义何在 Or why I have to scream 亦或是为何我在此呐喊 But now I have some clarity 但是现在我已清楚的知道 to show you what I mean 怎么展示给你看我所表示的意义 I don't know how I got this way 我不知道我为什么会这样 I'll never be alright 让人一直感到反感 So, I'm breaking the habit 所以我打破惯例 I'm breaking the habit 我将要重生 I'm breaking the habit tonight 就在今晚破茧重生 Crawling in my skin 在我体表上逐步蔓延的 These wounds they will not heal 是这些永不愈合的创伤 Fear is how I fall 堕落使我真正地感到恐惧 Confusing what is real 恐惧亦使我混淆何谓是非 There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface 发自内心深处的某种东西正不断地撕扯着我 Consuming' confusing 消耗着我的内心,并令我的内心陷入混沌 This lack of self control I fear is never ending 而令我恐惧的全面失控却毫无停止的迹象 Controlling' I can't seem 我尝试着重新将其控制,但似乎无济于事 To find myself again 我甚至开始猜忌自我 My walls are closing in 却导致内心的墙壁把我步步封死 (Without a sense of confidence and I'm convinced 最终的绝望使我开始相信 That it's just too much pressure to take) 这绝不是我可承受的压力 I've felt this way before 这种感觉是这样的似曾相识,这样的… So insecure …令人不安啊! Crawling in my skin 这逐步蔓延全身的 These wounds they will not heal 是这些毫无愈合迹象的伤口 Fear is how I fall 逐步堕落带来的恐惧 Confusing what is real 让我无法分辨是非真假 I've put my trust in you 我把信任托付于你。 Pushed as far as I can go 尽我所能去努力。 For all this 对于这一切。 There's only one thing you should know 有件事你应该明白。 I've put my trust in you 我把感情托付于你。 Pushed as far as I can go 便会尽我所能去投入。 For all this 对于这一切。 There's only one thing you should know 你知道这件事便已足够。 I tried so hard 我曾努力过。 And got so far 走到这不可挽回的一步。 But in the end 最终才看透。 It doesn't even matter 一切都是徒劳。 I had to fall 沉沦于此。 To lose it all 失去所有。 But in the end 最终才看透。 It doesn't even matter 一切都是徒劳。 one thing 有件事从始至终。 I don't know why 我从未明白过。 It doesn't even matter 无论我如何挣扎努力。 How hard you try 却没有一丝效果。 Keep that in mind 在我脑海中。 I designed this rhyme 只能铭记下这首疑歌。 To explain in due time 合适的时机解析自我。 All I know 但我明白。 Time is a valuable thing 时间何等珍贵。 Watch it fly by 白驹过隙。 As the pendulum swings 如挂钟摇摆。 Watch it count down 开始倒数。 To the end of the day 直到终结。 The clock ticks life away 人生会随时间起伏改变。 It's so unreal 犹如无知觉的梦境。 Didn't look out below 过程超乎你的掌控。 Watch the time go 凝望时光。 Right out the window 看它从窗棂悄然遁走。 Trying to hold on, 试图挽留。 But didn't even know 可我不曾领悟。 Wasted it all just 时间不等人。 To watch you go 只能默默望着你的离去。 I kept everything inside and 将一切铭存于心。 Even though I tried, 即使锲而不舍,披奏坚韧之铠。 It all fell apart 最后努力却轻易分崩离析。 What it meant to me will 对我来说。 Eventually be a 最好的结果。 Memory of a time when 便是把这段固执信念深埋。 I tried so hard 我曾努力挣扎。 And got so far 走到现今。 But in the end 最终才发现。 It doesn't even matter 原来都无济于事。 I had to fall 不可控制的。 To lose it all 失去了所有。 But in the end 最终才明白。 It doesn't even matter 前途渺茫。 GOD Put me out of my misery 让我远离我的痛苦 Put me out of my misery 让我远离我的痛苦 Put me out of my... 放了我的... Put me out of my misery! 放我出去,我该死的痛苦! Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 Now you got me caught in the act 现在是你让我陷入这种境地 You bring the thought back 你向我灌输这种思想 I'm telling you that 我直说了吧 I see it right through you 我已经看透你了 In the memory you'll find me 在记忆的大楼里你会找到我 Eyes burning up 我的双眼迸射出熊熊烈焰 The darkness holding me tightly 黑暗牢牢困住我 Until the sun rises up 直到日头东升 In the memory you'll find me 在记忆的大楼里你会找到我 Eyes burning up 我的双眼迸射出熊熊烈焰 The darkness holding me tightly 黑暗牢牢困住我 Until the sun rises up 直到日头东升 Give me reason 给我个理由 to fill this hole 证明我错 connect the space between 将所有记忆涤清 Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies 让苦楚收手,直达真理彼岸 Across this new divide 让谎言穿越新的分歧 Across this new divide 跨越这新界线 Across this new divide 跨越这新界线 In these promises broken deep below 内心的自我在承诺中崩落 Each word gets lost in the echo 我的话迷失在回声的漩涡 So one last lie I can see through 你最后的谎言已被我识破 This time I finally let you (go) 这一次我决定放手一搏 Go (go) go (go) go (go) 放手一搏 Go (go) go (go) go (go) 放手一搏 Go! 放手一搏! i'm tired of being what you want me to be 我已经厌倦了你期望我变成的那个样子 feeling so faithless lost under the surface 苍白的伪装下,是信仰沦失的灵魂 don't know what you're expecting of me 不知道你对我有何期待 put under the pressure of walking in your shoes 沉重的压抑之下,依照你的轨迹亦步亦趋 (caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow) (在思想激流中挣扎,只是徒劳挣扎) every step i take is another mistake to you 我所做的每件事,对于你而言,都是一种错误 (caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow) (在思想激流中挣扎,只是徒劳挣扎) i've become so numb i can't feel you there 我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉 i've become so tired so much more aware 我已经身心疲惫,灵魂却骤然觉醒 i've becoming this all i want to do 我逐渐变成这个样子,所有想做的 is be more like me and be less like you 重新蜕变回自己,挣脱你的羁绊束缚 i've become so numb i can't feel you there 我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉 is everything what you want me to be 你所要求我的就是一切吗 i've become so numb i can't feel you there 我心如冰封般僵冷,对你的摆布已漠然无觉 I'm tired of being what you want me to be. 你所要求我的就是一切吗 Everything you say to me 你的一字一句 Take's me one step closer to the edge 将我一步步推向疯狂的边缘 And I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 I need a little room to breath 我需要一点自由空间 'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge 因为我正一步步的走向疯狂边缘 And I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 Everything you say to me 你的一字一句 Take's me one step closer to the edge 将我一步步推向疯狂的边缘 And I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 I need a little room to breath 我需要一点自由空间 'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge 因为我正一步步的走向疯狂边缘 And I'm about to 我就要 BREAK (echo) 崩溃 Shut up when I'm talking to you! 闭嘴!我在跟你说话! Shut up! 闭嘴! Shut up! 闭嘴! Shut up! 闭嘴! Shut up when I'm talking to you! 闭嘴!我在跟你说话! Shut up! 闭嘴! Shut up! 闭嘴! Shut up! 闭嘴! Shut UP! 闭嘴! I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 Everything you say to me 你的一字一句 Takes me one step closer to the edge 将我一步步推向疯狂的边缘 And I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 I need a little room to breath 我需要一点自由空间 'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge 因为我正一步步的走向疯狂边缘 And I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 Everything you say to me 你的一字一句 Takes me one step closer to the edge 将我一步步推向疯狂的边缘 And I'm about to break 我就要崩溃了 I need a little room to pray 我需要一点自由空间 'Cause I'm one step closer to the edge 因为我正一步步的走向疯狂边缘 And I'm about to 我就要... beneath my skin 这就好像内心的那张脸 (Tthe face inside is right beneath my skin) x3 就在我的皮肤下面 The sun goes down 太阳落下 I feel the light betray me 我感觉落日的余晖出卖了我 The sun goes down 太阳落下 I feel the light betray me 我感觉落日的余晖出卖了我 It's like I'm, paranoid lookin' over my back 这就好像我疑神疑鬼的 不时地看看我的背后 It's like a, whirlwind inside of my head 这就好像在我的脑海中 刮起一阵旋风 It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within 这就好像我无法让自己 不听到内心的声音 It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin 这就好像内心的那张脸 就在我的皮肤下面 It's like I'm, paranoid lookin' over my back 这就好像我疑神疑鬼的 不时地看看我的背后 It's like a, whirlwind inside of my head 这就好在我的脑海中 刮起一阵旋风像 It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within 这就好像我无法让自己 不听到内心的声音 It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within 这就好像我无法让自己 不听到内心的声音 It's like I, can't stop what I'm hearing within 这就好像我无法让自己 不听到内心的声音 It's like the face inside is right beneath my skin 这就好像内心的那张脸 就在我的皮肤下面 Forfeit the game before somebody else 游戏犯规 Takes you out of the frame puts your name to shame 你被开除 你的名字被刻上耻辱柱 Cover up your face you can't run the race 你捂脸也没法玩下去了 The pace is too fast you just won't last 节奏太快你坚持不了 You love the way I look at you 你喜欢我看着你 While taking pleasure in the awful things you put me through 我落入圈套 你幸灾乐祸 You take away if I give in 我屈服你才放手 My life 我的生命 My pride is broken 我的荣耀 都被毁灭 You like to think you're never wrong(You live what you learn) 你自以为是(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to act like you're someone(You live what you learn) 你想效仿谁(你所知的决定你的生活) You want someone to hurt like you(You live what you learn) 你想谁感同身受(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to share what you've been through(You live what you learn) 你想向谁诉说过去(你所知的决定你的生活) You love the things I say I'll do 你喜欢我将要做的事 The way I'll hurt myself again just to get back at you 不惜代价我也要找你算账 You take away when I give in my life 当我屈服你才放手 My pride is broken 我的荣耀 都被毁灭 You like to think you're never wrong(You live what you learn) 你自以为是(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to act like you're someone(You live what you learn) 你想效仿谁(你所知的决定你的生活) You want someone to hurt like you(You live what you learn) 你想谁感同身受(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to share what you've been through(You live what you learn) 你想向谁诉说过去(你所知的决定你的生活) Forfeit the game before somebody else 游戏犯规 Takes you out of the frame puts your name to shame 你被开除 你的名字被刻上耻辱柱 Cover up your face you can't run the race 你捂脸也没法玩下去了 The pace is too fast you just won't last 节奏太快你坚持不了 Forfeit the game before somebody else 游戏犯规 Takes you out of the frame puts your name to shame 你被开除 你的名字被刻上耻辱柱 Cover up your face you can't run the race 你捂脸也没法玩下去了 The pace is too fast you just won't last 节奏太快你坚持不了 You like to think you're never wrong(You live what you learn) 你自以为是(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to act like you're someone(You live what you learn) 你想效仿谁(你所知的决定你的生活) You want someone to hurt like you(You live what you learn) 你想谁感同身受(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to share what you've been through(You live what you learn) 你想向谁诉说过去(你所知的决定你的生活) You like to think you're never wrong (forfeit the game)(You live what you learn) 你自以为是(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to act like you're someone (forfeit the game)(You live what you learn) 你想效仿谁(你所知的决定你的生活) You want someone to hurt like you (forfeit the game)(You live what you learn) 你想谁感同身受(你所知的决定你的生活) You want to share what you've been through(You live what you learn) 你想向谁诉说过去(你所知的决定你的生活) Why I never walked away 为何我从不选择孑然一身远离此处 Why I played myself this way 为何我把自己扮演成了这样的角色 Now I see your testing me pushes me away 现在我最终明白你不过是在不停地审视我,然后毫不犹豫地伤害我 I've tried like you 我曾经也试图依恋你 To do everything you wanted too 也想去做一切你所渴求的事 This is the last time 这是最后一次 I'll take the blame for the sake of being with you 为了能和你一起,我一人承受过错 everything falls apart 一切都已陷入破灭与沦陷 even the people who never frown eventually break down 甚至是那些至终都不皱眉的人们,他们内心都已然支离破碎 The sacrifice of hiding in a lie 为了匿伏于谰言之中所做的牺牲 everything has to end 一切都不得不通向止境 you'll soon find we're out of time to watch it all unwind 不久你将会发现我们已脱离能了静观其变的时间 The sacrifice is never knowing 为其所作的牺牲将永远不会被洞悉 When this began 就这样开始了 I had nothing to say 我却缄口难言 And I'd get lost in the nothingness inside of me 那来自深处的虚无充满心绪 I was confused 我曾疑惑 And I let it all out to find 但倾吐思想后竟发现 That I'm not the only person with these things in mind 我不是唯一心存困顿疑惑之人 Inside of me 灵魂深处 but all that they can see the words revealed 那些人们所听到的心声 Is the only real thing that I've got left to feel 是我迷惘失落时仅存的真实 Nothing to lose 一无所有 Just stuck, hollow and alone 却剩下迷茫孤独 And the fault is my own 错都在我 And the fault is my own 错都在我 I wanna heal, I wanna feel 我要治愈累累伤痕 我要得到真实感受 What I thought was never real 我不想活在虚幻世界 I wanna let go of the pain I felt so long 我要一切悲哀全部离去 Erase all the pain till it's gone 愈合所有伤口直到不要有痛楚 I wanna heal, I wanna feel 我要治愈累累伤痕 我要得到真实感受 Like I'm close to something real 我要接近生命中的真实 I wanna find something I wanted all along 找到我一直渴望的一切 Somewhere I belong 我究竟归于何处 And I've got nothing to say 我无话可说 I can't believe I didn't fall right down on my face 难以置信 自己还未归于尘土 I was confused 我曾困惑 Looking everywhere only to find 环顾周遭却发现 That it's not the way I had imagined it all in my mind 一切与我所想大相径庭 So what am I? 我的本质究竟是什么 What do I have but negativity? 除了消极沉沦还有何物存在 Cause I can't justify the way everyone is looking at me 我已陷入迷惘 人们却期望我给予答案 Nothing to lose 无所失去 Nothing to gain, hollow and alone 无所获取 只有虚伪和孤独 And the fault is my own 错都在我 And the fault is my own 错都在我 I wanna heal, I wanna feel 我要治愈累累伤痕 我要得到真实感受 What I thought was never real 我一直活在梦中的世界 I wanna let go of the pain I felt so long 我要抚去所有的伤痛 Erase all the pain till it's gone 让伤口愈合 不再有痛楚 I wanna heal, I wanna feel 我要治愈累累伤痕 我要得到真实感受 Like I'm close to something real 我要接近生命的真相 I wanna find something I wanted all along 找到我长久渴望的一切 Somewhere I belong 我究竟归于何处 I will never know myself 我永远不能看透自己 until I do this on my own 除非我独自走上解脱道路 And I will never feel 我不会有所感觉 anything else until my wounds are healed 除非往昔伤口全部愈合 I will never be 我只会是沧海一粟 anything till I break away from me 除非我放下旧日陈规 I will break away, 我要冲破这心灵的枷锁 I'll find myself today 今日的我要破茧重生 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 Lift me up' let me go 带我走 让我走 God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人 We're a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人 And it can't be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗 It can't be outdone 永远没有结束 It can't be outmatched 永远无法停止较量 It can't be outrun 永远无法停下脚步 No no 不 不 God bless us every one 上帝保佑我们每一个人 We're a broken people living under loaded gun 我们却是活在枪口之下不完整的人 And it can't be outfought 谁都无法脱离争斗 It can't be outdone 永远没有结束 It can't be outmatched 永远无法停止较量 It can't be outrun 永远无法停下脚步 Here we go for the hundredth timeHand grenade pins in every line 不晓得是第几百次了,握着***排成一列 Throw them up and let something ******ne 向外掷出 让火光闪耀 Going out of my ****** mind 让我自己 完全疯掉 Filthy mouth, no excuse 肮脏的嘴 没有借口 Find a new place to hang this noose 找着新的位置将这些绞索重挂 String me up from atop these roofs 从顶端将我拉起 Knot it tight so I won't get loose 牢牢绑紧 让我无法松脱 The truth is you can stop and stare 实际上 你可以袖手旁观 Run myself out and no one cares 榨干自己 而无人在意 Dug the trench out, dug down there 挖出战壕 屈身躺入 Put the shovel up out of reach somewhere 铲子高举在构不到的地方 Someone pour it in, make it a dirt dance floor again 有人用力倾倒让它再次变成肮脏的舞池 Say your prayers and stomp it out 说出你的祷告 踏开你的步伐 When they bring that chorus in 当他们开始大声合唱 I bleed it out, 我榨干自己 Digging deeper just to throw it away 探究更深只为了全部抛下 I bleed it out, 我榨干自己 Digging deeper just to throw it away 探究更深只为了全部抛下 I bleed it out, 我榨干自己 Digging deeper just to throw it away 探究更深只为了全部抛下 Just to throw it away, just to throw it away 只为了全部抛下 只为了全部抛下 I bleed it out, go, stop the show 我榨干自己 去终幕时刻 Drop your boards and let sloppy show 台词突兀 剧情不流畅 Shotgun opera lock and load 被迫演出的歌舞剧 将它上锁 **** it back and then watch it go 扣回*** 然后看着它走 Momma help me, I've been cursed 妈妈救救我 我已被诅咒 Death is rolling in every verse 死神从四面涌来 Candy paint on his brand new hearse 崭新的灵车点缀着糖果色油漆 Can't contain and he knows he works 如果他知道自己那 不能容纳的任务 ****** this hurts, I won't lie 去***的 这种伤痛 我不再说谎 Doesn't matter how hard I try 无论我多么努力尝试 Half the words don't mean a thing 一半的言词毫无意义 And I know that I won't be satisfied 我知道我永远不会满足 So why, try ignore him? 所以为何不试着去理会 Make it a dirt-dance floor again 让它再次变成肮脏的舞池 Say your prayers and stomp it out 说出你的祷告 踏开你的步伐 When they bring that chorus in 当他们开始大声合唱 I bleed it out, 我榨干自己 Digging deeper just to throw it away 探究更深只为了全部抛下 I bleed it out, 我榨干自己 Digging deeper just to throw it away 探究更深只为了全部抛下 I bleed it out, 我榨干自己 Digging deeper just to throw it away 探究更深只为了全部抛下 Just to throw it away, just to throw it away 只为了全部抛下 只为了全部抛下 I bleed it out 我榨干自己 I've opened up these scars 我打开这些伤疤 I'll make you face us 我会让你面对它 I've pulled myself so far 我将自己完全解体 I'll make... you... face... us... now... 我会让你面对它 In this farewell 在这个离别的时刻 There’s no blood 没有血腥 There’s no alibi 没有辩解 Cause I’ve drawn regret 因为我已经悔恨 From the truth 从众多谎言中 Of a thousand lies 的一个真实 So let mercy come 让仁慈来吧 And wash away 冲走我的罪恶 What I’ve done 不管我以前所作的什么 I’ll face myself 我将来都会面对我自己 To cross out 将现在的自己 What I’ve become 彻底改变 Erase myself 把以前的自己擦去 And let go of 同时放手 What I’ve done 我以前所作的 For what I’ve done 因为我以前的作为 I start again 我要重新开始 And whatever pain may come 不管会遇到什么困难 Today this ends 这些就在今天到此为止 I’m forgiving 我正在原谅 What I’ve done 我所作的 I’ll face myself 面对自我 To cross out 将现在的自己 What I’ve become 彻底改变 Erase myself 把以前的自己 And let go of 擦去 What I’ve done 放手我以前所作的 What I’ve done 放手我以前所作的 Forgiving what I’ve done 原谅我所作的一切吧…… When you feel you're alone 当你感到寂寞无助 Cut off from this cruel world 当你难堪这世界的残酷 Your instinct's telling you to run 当你的灵魂强迫你寻找退路 Listen to your heart 倾听你心灵深处 Those angel voices 如天使吟唱般给你温暖 They'll sing to you they'll be your guide 他们的歌声如同一道光束 Back home when life leaves us blind 将指引你走完回家的旅途 Love keeps us kind 当残酷的现实将我们的双眼模糊 唯有爱,让我们彼此守护 It keeps us kind 唯有爱,为我们拨开迷雾 When you suffered it all 当你受够了无尽的磨难 And your spirit is breaking 当你的精神已不堪残破,几近崩溃 You're growing desperate from the fight 当绝望的感觉随着挫折而渐渐陇上心头 Remember your love 至少有爱 请记得你还拥有 And you always will be 这份爱永远站在你身后 This melody will bring you right back home 这段旋律将让你找回最初的归宿 When life leaves us blind 当残酷的现实将我们的双眼模糊 Love keeps us kind 唯有爱,让我们彼此守护 When life leaves us blind 当残酷的现实将我们的双眼模糊 Love keeps us kind 唯有爱,让我们彼此守护 Ohhh ohh-oh' ohhh ohh-oh 哦… Ohhh ohh-oh' ohhh ohh-oh 哦…