Like Father, Like Son Spare the rod, spoil the child Daddy's boy's been too wild His discipline's taught with a strap No sweet song on father's lap He always said that men don't cry But burns and bruises seldom lie Dad learned his lesson well Spitting image of a man in hell Brought up in a home where love's replaced by pain And when he's on his own he's sure to do the same Expressing his feelings not with love but with his fists The pattern of hurting began generations before Like father, like son Another life has begun The punishing ways that you choose You were always born to lose Like father, like son A war you've never won Please Daddy, no more... Please Daddy, no more! The circle continues of violence passed down All there is hope for is a tear from a clown Hoping someday that this torture will end To prison or death I hope you will be sent Now do you feel like your life is on hold? Maybe you've come to the end of your road Admitting your sins may be your sacrifice To stop all this pain to your son and your wife