永不妥协DNA 作词 : 苏毅峰 作曲 : 苏毅峰 编曲:苏毅峰 后期:苏毅峰 Uncompromising is my DNA. Being a champion is my DNA. play basketball battle three and three.我有战胜你的DNA hello my name is yifengsu,make money is my dream 初来乍到赚的不多,经历太多我的生活 every day and every night 我的rap永远don’stop 从不听你话 一直在讲话 不停在摆划 stopping true thing dream I love every body 大家记得都要早点睡 希望你每天都能遇到好姐妹 从东京到罗马北京到福州我要把声音传到每个角落 趁现在你好好聆听我认为可以给你打个5折 用flow 踏平你 nobody stoping me Run all these rapper my senses are better 静静地靠近你慢慢地推到你 I can you ***y lady my baby wuli boos 谁敢乱叫 faker 全都给我让道 This my voice 谁敢相信 我绝不会仅仅尽力 drink if you are unhappy but don‘t disturb others 如果你能承受过打击 you know what I saying is Nothing stop me from moving forward 不遵守交通规则会出车祸 他们在胡说不想听他们啰嗦把精力的写成故事经过 I got the flow I got the move I got 不想滥竽充数 I got the 如果不努力就想得到回报绝对没有出路 I got ha I got the bang bang我想去找静静 铃声响了叮叮 I got ha I got the high high 举起双手 BOOM BOOM一起鼓掌嘿嘿 I got 阿 I got the 如果你想开心就put you hands up I got the 如果你不开心就put you hands up Nobody can stoping me put you hangs up 没有人可以阻止你 put you hands up I got the bang bang我想去找静静 铃声响了叮叮 I got ha I got the high high 举起双手 BOOM BOOM一起鼓掌嘿嘿 I got 阿 I got the 如果你想开心就put you hands up I got the 如果你不开心就put you hands up Nobody can stoping me put you hangs up 没有人可以阻止你 put you hands up Uncompromising is my DNA. Being a champion is my DNA. play basketball battle three and three.我有战胜你的DNA we are yes I saying it we are china bigest rapper better than a drake 这可都是我的心声,就让我来领导新生 轻声的rap最能诉说心声,我精心设计的flow能够让你倾心 没办法谁让我年少多金 show me the money show me the money 我想要周游世界我需要很多money 我知道成功不能不劳而获取得 在借酒消愁的日子没有一天不是醒的 我想要安静下来静静 哥们带你玩的尽兴 从东京到罗马北京到福州我要把声音传到每个角落 趁现在你好好聆听我认为可以给你打个5折 用flow 踏平你 nobody stoping me Run all these rapper my senses are better 静静地靠近你慢慢地推到你 I can you ***y lady my baby 键盘侠少来给我上课用不着你来教我创作 苏毅峰就算真的发疯也只能成为第二 不抽烟不喝酒不打麻将不赌博 甚至连游戏都不打 不代表我不是一个好rapper 传统观念的反制者 一直被他们讨厌着 I got the flow I got the move I got 不想滥竽充数 I got the 如果不努力就想得到回报绝对没有出路 I got ha I got the bang bang我想去找静静 铃声响了叮叮 I got ha I got the high high 举起双手 BOOM BOOM一起鼓掌嘿嘿 I got 阿 I got the 如果你想开心就put you hands up I got the 如果你不开心就put you hands up every body 跟我一起 put you hangs up nobody can stopping me put you hands up I got the bang bang我想去找静静 铃声响了叮叮 I got ha I got the high high 举起双手 BOOM BOOM一起鼓掌嘿嘿 I got 阿 I got the 如果你想开心就put you hands up I got the nobody stoping me put you hands up everybody 跟我一起 put you hangs up everybody 跟我一起 put you hands up put you hands up put you hands up