SoulChef-back to my hometown(Colourful Tornado / demonyouth remix) 作词 : 会飞的金鱼/demonyouth 作曲 : SoulChef back to my hometown mic check back to my home (检查麦克风 回到我的家) 还是这座美丽动人又熟悉的town (It's still a beautiful and familiar 小镇) 我放下身上的行李走向街头去散步 (I put down my luggage and went for a walk on the street) oh she look so hot ,shawty tell me where are you from (噢!她看起来很火辣 宝贝 告诉我你从哪里来) 街边的小吃有很多都是我最爱的 (There are many street snacks that I like best) 诱人的美食遍布整个街道带着诱人的smell (The alluring delicacies spread all over the street with the alluring 气味) 过去的生活方式总能找到快乐 (Past lifestyles always find happiness) 而现在我却还是一无所有feel tired (And now I still have nothing 感到疲惫) 终于到了可以外出远门离开家的年纪 (At last it's time to go out and leave home) 心中有太多情感想要表达却无法言喻 (There are so many emotions in my heart that I can't express them) 就开始嫌弃起昨天的那种心情和状态 (Begin to dislike yesterday's mood and state of mind) 希望新环境 新的生活 能把我善待 (I hope the new environment and new life will treat me kindly) 我还太年轻 该跑到外面拼一拼 (I'm too young to go out and fight) 见一见,听一听接触新的事物然后成长 (See hear touch new things and grow) 现如今我的心已经变得越来越麻木在体会过后 (Nowadays my heart has become more and more numb after the experience ) 还依稀能感知冷暖 (but I still feel cold and warm) I can see the light (我依稀能看见光) make me feel so high (这让我很兴奋) i can i can (我可以 我可以) 我曾无数次无论是白天还是晚上梦见她 (I have dreamed of her countless times, day or night) 但再也无法在现实世界里碰见她 (But I can't meet her in the real world anymore) 经常在深夜一个人默默哭泣 (Often in the middle of the night a person cries in silence) 漫长的过程令我感到非常孤寂 (The long process made me feel very lonely) 多希望时间可以重来但我也害怕回到过去 (I wish time could come again, but I'm afraid to go back to the past) 我知道无法打败时间它是不可抗拒力 (I know time can't be defeated It's irresistible) 放弃 忘记 它总占据 着我的内心深处 (To give up and forget it always occupies my heart) 伴随着一点一滴成长情感不断丰富 (With the growth of little by little the emotions are constantly enriched) 眼前是玻璃墙 像捉迷藏 (In front of them are glass walls like hide-and-seek) 看这座高楼下相似的他们是有多迷茫 (to see how confused they are when they are similar to this tall building downstairs) 不再是多疑 我只想通过自己努力改变 (It's not suspicious anymore I just want to change through my own efforts) 不断的收获 (Continuous harvest) This is the best way to prove my pain (这是最好的办法去证明我的痛苦) old town,让我内心得到平复 (老镇 Let my heart be calmed) 融化了我的眼泪让它从此不再凝固 (Melt my tears and let it cease to solidify) 有太多美好的回忆可以在这找到 (There are so many wonderful memories to be found here) 向这座美丽的小镇 发起祷告 (Pray for this beautiful town) I can see the light (我依稀能看见光) maybe maybe (也许 也许吧) I can see the light (我能看见光) maybe make me feel so high (也许这会让我感到很兴奋)