Rebellious Gang 作词 : 百川Rebellious 作曲 : 百川Rebellious 母带:Rebellious 混音:Rebellious Some kid said I can’t trap 有些孩子说我不会唱trap Haha 哈哈哈哈哈哈 I dedicate this to my gang 我把这首歌献给我的gang Da Rebellious Gang Rebellious Gang. Rebel da group Rebellious帮 Harder than troop 如同军旅 Ain’t got no rule 无视规则 Fxxk what u do 不屑渣滓 Talking the truth 摈弃虚伪 Talent proved 天赋异禀 Bullet proof 不惧威胁 Family glued 团结一致 I got my bros on my back 兄弟们在我背后 Bixch don’t you kill my vibe 没人敢触碰毫毛 I got my girls under sack 女人们争先恐后 Chilling out in Cadillac 抢占着座驾副位 Hoes be dialling my cell 从早到晚电话占线 Money digger go to hell 趋炎附势不为所动 How my freestyle make u fell 出口成章令你惊愕 Hiphop is my holy grail 参透Hiphop如探囊取物 Fakers are running away 滥竽充数者惊恐退散 Landed only to sway 空降战场吾挥斥方遒 His way this way dat way 人云亦云绝不是选项 I only do it Michael Way 特立独行从不会妥协 Gotcha bixch Drip on the floor 你的爱人对我言听计从 She is certainly making me bored 而我却感到无趣可谈 Fxxking your hoe cxmming for sure 欢愉结束,两袖清风 I pulled my dxxk she wanted more 而她依依不舍,欲求不满 Just finished my top-notch school, time to make you feel 学业顶尖,让你领会才子风范 Bunch of kids don’t be fooled, they ain’t even rapper for real 鱼龙混杂,吾鹤立鸡群不被污染 All of my ****’s too cruel, yea I’m so fxxking ill 实力无双,虚怀若谷亦目中无人 Trash labels now get ruled, I ain’t even need a deal 臭鱼烂虾,莫来招惹致自卑无遗 Chorus All of my homies bad and boujee 好友至亲,皆为富贾 Shaking the booty on Lamborghini 灯红酒绿,靓车美座 Bureaucracy, Oligarch army 高级关系,资本巨鳄 Raining the Gucci, packed in LV 满身金银,不以为意 Hong Kong to Beijing, everywhere see me 从南到北,千里单骑 Dabbing for babie, wetting your panty 风华绝代,万人艳羡 Noble and fancy, strucking your granny 优雅风范,妇孺皆知 Money or pxxxy, never could buy me 威逼利诱,不为所动 I see too many pretending fake bands 太多滥竽充数充斥市场 Everyday fed by noob rap fans 靠欺骗大众获得生机 Throw your ******* shitty jam into trash can 请停下低级歌曲静听轰炸 Ain’t nobody fxxk with the Rebelllious Gang 我若发力,无人可挡 Pull that chopper bang bang 快刀瞬斩 Fxxkers be “damn damn” 鼠头乱窜 Ain’t no seen a man man 他们未曾见识如此实力 Torture chair hands hanged 与我们对抗若度日如年 Gotta send the van van 哀求逃离 They can only waxk plans 只识空吹 Pay tribute to Rebellious brand 快来进奉朝贡 Join and dance dance 一同随节奏起舞 We new to the game but killing your show 我新来乍到,便抢尽风头 We ain’t for the fame or selling the **** 我不为名利,或任何便宜 We murder the lame and cheer for the **** 我尊敬前辈,但鄙夷辣鸡 We been too insane now into your soul 我天赋太高,抱歉让你嫉妒 We building the wave be paving the road 我树立潮流,铺设道路 We shake and bake releasing the load 我卧薪尝胆,吐露心声 We fighting the fate from head to the toe 我反抗命运,义无反顾 We open the gate now join our show 我创造可能,为你表演 Peace.