All Of U(具晙会2016庆生应援曲) 汗湿的鬓角 湿润的微笑 滚动的喉结 让我无可救药 U've got the god (你为上帝而生) U've got the light in u,don't u? (你与光共存,不是吗?) 刺眼的灯光 被晕开的眉角 像某种诅咒 像致命的毒药 要逆流而上 要追逐光亮,追逐,yeah u 像浓烈的红酒 So that i feelin thirsty (使我感到口渴) 像迂回的借口 Danger but oh so beauty (危险却美丽) Sometimes u make me to be hush (有时你让我安静) I'm alive I'm a-lush (让我醉生梦死) your face,your voice,your all (你的脸,你的声音,你的全部) I can see my baby swingin (看他舞动的身影) All of his makes me crazy (他的所有使我疯狂) On the stage and he is singing (他在舞台上纵情歌唱) Ooh baby,Ooh baby,I'm in love (我已坠入爱河) 让所有浓烈都燃烧 烧尽躯壳只剩下心跳 触碰不得的明了 all of u,all of u,makes me fall (你的全部,你的全部,让我坠落) makes me into,makes me fall (让我着迷,让我坠落) 上扬的嘴角 湿润的微笑 像慢性毒药 也像一副镣铐 占据我思想 捆绑我目光 in u,that's u 用力地喘息 妄图获得氧气 你一举一动 都几乎要致命 占据我心脏 我无法反抗 是你 yeah u 像浓烈的红酒 So that i feelin thirsty (使我感到口渴) 像迂回的借口 Danger but so oh beauty (危险却美丽) Sometimes u make me to be hush (有时你让我安静) I'm alive I'm a-lush (让我醉生梦死) your face,your voice,your all (你的脸,你的声音,你的全部) I can see my baby swingin (看他舞动的身影) All of his makes me crazy (他的所有使我疯狂) On the stage and he is singing (他在舞台上纵情歌唱) Ooh baby,Ooh baby,I'm in love (我已坠入爱河) 让所有浓烈都燃烧 烧尽躯壳只剩下心跳 触碰不得的明了 all of u,all of u,makes me fall (你的全部,你的全部,让我坠落) I can see my baby swingin (看他舞动的身影) All of his makes me crazy (他的所有使我疯狂) On the stage and he is singing (他在舞台上纵情歌唱) Ooh baby,Ooh baby,I'm in love (我已坠入爱河) 让所有浓烈都燃烧 烧尽躯壳只剩下心跳 触碰不得的明了 all of u,all of u,makes me fall (你的全部,你的全部,让我坠落) makes me fal (让我坠落) makes me fal (让我坠落)