2.14 作词 : Angry Jersey 作曲 : 无 So lovin ain’t a thing when around 当爱在身边时 爱根本不足挂齿 and you ain’t a king can get none 而你也不是皇帝 你得不到所有的东西 on my bed I think back lately everything I did 最近每次躺在床上就开始回忆起以前我做过的事儿 WeChat or life every same routine 微信上活着真实生活上每一天都是复制的 Every girl I cheated I mean every sin 我每一次出轨过的女人 我的意思是回忆起我所有干过的罪恶 another night jeopardize my peace at home 夜晚又开始摧毁家里的平静 if I could call my place a home 额 前提是如果我可以把我的房子说成家的话 for the brothers relationships I ruined 对兄弟们想说 我亲手摧毁了我们的关系 when jealous almost made a song diss alkam 嫉妒时 甚至都差点出歌骂alkam了 peaceful life he has caring girl strong discipline now he has 就因为他那现在平静的日子和他最近这么强自制能力还有那么关心他的女朋友 buy myself a Jinjiu now I’m drunk so I post up a moment who’s awake 想完给自己买了瓶劲酒 我醉了 所以我发了个朋友圈:“没睡的举手” broken promises so I’m singing loud 想起那些破碎的誓言 所以我开始在外面大声唱歌unwittingly now I’m by the lake sat down sighed 不知不觉中来到湖边了 坐下来深吸了一口气 threw a rock in it prayed not to hit the bottom as I did 然后往湖里扔了个石头并希望着它别到最低谷了yeah it did guess I just find a friend yeah我听到它也撞到“低谷””了 我感觉自己找到了知己 就这石头 excuse me I’m not tryna say I’m weak but i need you to save my day 抱歉 我不是想说我自己有多可怜 但我需要一个人来拉我一把 I know but this ****** up life I had 我知道是我自己造成的这操蛋生活 “开始怀旧” “over and over over and over im tired of talking im over and over” “回到歌” ayyyy ufff why am i such a dixk 我为什么就这么混蛋呢 mom please now dry your eyes okay 妈妈擦干眼泪好吗 Don’t cry ma me not too happy here 别为我哭泣妈妈 我在这儿也并不高兴 everyone’s been telling me I could shine 所有人告诉我我可以火起来 that’s ******** even though I could rhyme 全是扯淡就算我会押韵 troubles never go away they worship me “麻烦”从不会离开 因为它们崇拜我 that’s why my backs against the wall it means 所以我的背才每天都靠着墙,被逼到角落 they post me up I dived so deep 因为“麻烦”崇拜得把我的照片挂在墙上 where’s helping hand you say shut it 我陷太深了 有没有拉我一把的手啊?你大喊让我闭嘴 I hate everything even the lights cut it 我讨厌所有的东西 甚至给我希望的光 关灯! I'm lucky she didn’t kill herself 我很幸运她没有自杀 it is too rough for any girl to bear 那些对任何一个女人来说都太难承受了 so I tatted on my arm to remind myself 所以我在手臂上纹身了 of I not knowing what I have till its gone 为了提醒自己不失去就不知道重要性的那些 so thanks to everyone that has been with me for the ride 所以感谢那些一直陪着我的人 even though my choices are one way trip 就算我每一次选择都是有去无回 Thanks for picking up my phone or answering me 多谢 接我的电话 回我话的那些人 when the late night moon is out 尤其是深夜月亮出来时 thanks for cheering me up faxiao 感谢给的鼓励 发小 things are complicated when the rain drops it pours down 事情从未简单过 并且祸不单行 all the people I’ve hurt just know my intentions was good 所有我伤害到的人 我想让你们知道我本意真的并不是坏 hey Siri dikirong broadcast I’m sorry but J never backs down Hey siri 叮咚 群发@所有人发短信:对不起,但J从不让步 so now u gone and i was wrong i never knew what it was like to be alone 所以你现在走了 我错了 我从未感受到过 On a Valentine‘s day *10 在情人节里的孤独