我想 Yes yes I need you to take away my pain Cause the broken heart can never Go back to where it came You are my heart you are my wife You're the reason Wanna make a mark in this will not just pass by My pass love double we still survive Feels are been there but still alive What still like try to share which you want to deaf Believe me you got the best yes A touched kiss You wanna next your heart list I found love inside and next it Something that in both risk got the shop From the realist oh Your face in more to come your few names Excite to together forever yeah for the time to yet Even know the her want rest You let it burn from both fans come on 我想 tell me what you want Tell me tell me what you want 我想 tell me what you want Tell me what you want 我想 tell me what you want Tell me tell me what you want 我想 tell me what you want Tell me what you want Lay down it's all around Take it far my soul with you Hell down soul my soul Feeling the full goal What I want with you is just a pure a girl One last stands and one last go Forever with you feed the real feel Making at last just one night Making at last was forever fight Down round with the dance we go Kidding drunk come on Mary flow One more time in this white last song 我想 gonna make it so 我想 tell me what you want Tell me tell me what you want 我想 tell me what you want Tell me what you want 我想 tell me what you want Tell me tell me what you want 我想 tell me what you want Tell me what you want 我哋契妈 谂起就心嗡 越谂越觉得个心俾针吉 曾经觉得你系我噶唯一 宜家觉得迷失 恋爱过后谂翻转头你究竟为乜 你委屈眼湿湿 同你分手果一刻 你个人脉关系到此为止 确系笑话一滞 从此喺个世界里面消失 恋爱又点会大过天 你个户口里面究竟有冇钱先 家阵噶恋爱真系现实到癫 有情饮水饱哩句说话 埋一边 唔好怨天 冇得怪人 怪就怪自己身无分文 将段感情划开一道裂痕 我会喺度试下继续下沉 Be reason mark baby and send SMS been okay Try to must to keep something try to cross away In the way crack in this game we play It's like you try to find the news just feel communicate Advocate but everything is hates like gates You mark on the kids we all walking crazy But even face we know Not a with the phone on my hand at a slight why For they and beside name on night till the morning Like as time meet the girl And get it with tight When right on the other side of the room We need just mine Forget the base of the best make it last somehow As the message to my section gonna send it now And when you feeling the access of the relations to slope Which for the text make the words free aha Make the words free Make the words free 要分手米分手 唔使抛出咁大堆借口 若果你系要走 出哩个门口 给我一个理由已经足够 哩一刻你做出选择 我唯有忍痛接受你要对我坦白 哩一刻我卒之都明白 我喺你生命里面只系一个过客 以往美好片段变成堆填垃圾 所以传统再冇办法抑压 千言万语都冇办法表达 就好似问题永远冇办法解答 茫茫人海有几多爱 又有几多人值得我哋去等待 最怕相爱最后变成伤害 剩低一大堆无奈同埋感慨