Check 2 Da Sea 曲:Qumran for East is Red 词:Quotazn+MizzNina+6wing+C-Kwan+MC KZ Scratch: DJ T-Bone Quotazn: Nobody's born a winner, we learn along the way Nobody's born a sinner, I've had my dues paid Fast forward to the present, the past is a fable The future might bring a label, confirm me stable Frantic. I've had some dram, had some panic I stick to the word, like street preachers. Manic Depressants. Have incessant, bouts of bad weather Calm concedes the storm, resets the pressure The magnitude of my gratitude extends far To those who've helped me shape my attitude. Y'all my stars Movin' forth, local styles. They're infinite Asia's taggin' planets everytime that she's been it! MizzNina: Let's take it back 2 the 6th grade Coz this divine mizz Is guarented ta make u love it or hate Coz I be shootin words and teachin lessons Basics 4 adolescents on how hip hop was made Class 101 It's not about the parties or the riches Or getting' high of the fame will give ya glitches Or getting' vicious Won't let ya get 2 where u at So my only wish is that 2 choose a path in life 2 follow And live it up like there's no tomorrow Coz ya got 2 know who u are and where u are roots at From the four corners of hip hop, Yo We combine and interact Everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 6Wing+C-kwan: check one 第一步听一下边一队叫农夫 check two 你要够力楂起支M-I-C check three 试下Rap下有无问题 有问题唔驶惊既管问 唔驶惊d闲杂人 唔惊佢对住你手指指 背住你话你屎 话你人玩又玩 喂 十月都系拜年时 你多左几旧鱼 有心唔怕迟 总之讲既就系咁多 继续 microphone check four check check check check check 左三四次 我话试mic一二 唔讲日本字 唔好意思 香港又真系好似无乜 MC 我系其中一个 好彩dd个d 可以出CD 不过碟唔系卖梗 我唔会收埋枝mic白等 预左打真军 妹妹仔唔lum 我枝mic都唔会lum check five check six check seven eight Everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 Nina Quo T-Bone Fama KZ话你知呢个故事系讲rapper MC KZ: 我由屯门东舟车劳动咁走到去港岛西 都只不过系为左搵份兼职赚钱买支靓mic 找返个几鸡 爱黎买个包返屋企餵妻 仲点会有时间北上消费 (Captain:按摩脚板底) 协合就系我既生活 生活就系我既协合 你唔好又乜乜又七七 我都唔知你翕乜 香港d口水佬既生活就系咁硬掘掘 系玄学角度我地称之为硬掘 协合则来 不合则去 我唔爱吹波波 我好清醒绝对无饮醉 每日有潮涨就一定有潮退 但系我既协合生理高潮系唔会减退 唔会随时间走左去 多口讲句 卤水鸡翼d汁乜唔系叫做卤水 四五十岁出黎摆个d仲唔系叫做老举 由此推算落去我既生财工具仲唔系呢把咀 Everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 Nina Quo T-Bone Fama KZ话你知呢个故事系讲rapper Everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 Nina Quo T-Bone Fama KZ话你知 Everybody follow tha snare Everybody follow tha snare 东南亚既口水佬又讲紧咩 Nina Quo T-Bone Fama KZ话你知呢个故事系讲rapper