Reminisce(Luv sic pt2 cover) Right now I use the beat from my man nujabes Brand new song in order to reminisce, Just like him do the "luv sic" so deep How could I be about to express all me So many people that pass through your life Before u realize they already say "goodbye" "ByeBye"is the word I don't really like Cuz once say goodbye he may never come back It's like the fallen star, never come to sky Every time I dream about u ,u don't speak just smile Oh,where did u go. where's my damn draw Hrad time without u ,I could only get stroll Remember the time when we feel so drunk that u say U can't leave me I'm your only patron Is that true? now I can't believe u The B-rabbit u give me is still need u Yeah,time about time old days gone quite distress still on, but then we still fine Thank lord, I need more bottles of wine It's not for myself, it's for the dead and gone For the lovers be tron apart under the ground For the family that lose their only surround For the children who dying for the food spuly For those souls who devote their precious lives So rest in peace ya'll know my supreme respect To crack your check and show u love react The earth is round full of love and expect It snows in april,the god is showing care Let the earthquake happen now see who fear Let the flood running cuz now we can bear Let the 2012 coming it just a fu*king tale From the button of my heart I reminisce the smile Yo,Sometime I don't understand what's wrong with the world Where you heading for? As you know, life is a black hole When you fall there's no end. 现在,第二章,我继续的追忆 想念的语气就在这首歌里 回想你曾遇见的他会在哪里? 一段沉默过后,又是一片空虚 说“再见”很容易,但是再见太难 留下的遗憾只有自己会明白 苟且的过着灰色的生活 激情是否还在?我看只剩无奈 每当华灯初上,我们开始游荡 此时生活的意义已经慢慢遗忘 每个人生来就受不同命运驱使 于是,我们都希望有庇护天使 羡慕别人的生活平坦没有曲折 看看自己的日子崎岖而充满坎坷 安慰自己的话已经听了很多遍 其实都是用来欺骗自己的谎言 有些人他们衣食无忧,顺利毕业,顺利找到了自己想要做的事情 而有些人他们为生活而拼搏,打击在他们身上留下了烙印 如果生活fu*k you up,don't give it up 不要后悔你曾经做过的决定 生命的意义在于不断的前进 上天就是对你不公平,你又能怎样 不断的磨难,无尽的试炼 任凭你怎么抱怨,事实就在眼前 我们都是凡人,你只能接受这一切 当你满足了现实,梦想全都不见 曾经,我也以为自己是个小强 遇到再大的困境也能迎难而上 而今,我才知道这些都是假象 祸不单行的时候也会遍体鳞伤 于是我回忆自己曾经走过的路 感叹的笑一笑生活如此无助 靠着仅存的意志我要遇强则强 可现实的打压让我看不到希望 黑暗中的灯塔,它的灯光依旧 只是乌云集聚遮蔽了它的光芒 汹涌的海浪在黑夜不停翻滚 冲击着我的小船让它不停受损 然而我耗尽全力去寻找方向 手里紧握着代表生命的双桨 没有星光的夜,只有暴雨倾斜 我无力的挣扎不让自己妥协 可死神已经在海面上现身,我多么希望能再找到我的灯塔 可惜乌云不散,希望慢慢离开,I reminisce the time,when we are kids we fine…