叹英曲 作词 : 行者郁林 作曲 : 行者郁林 叹英曲 Hero Lament 混沌之中一噩梦 A nightmare in chaos 暗无天日一牢笼 Like a cage with no sunlight 粉身碎骨一霹雳 Destroyed by thunderbolt 从此世界大不同 A new world started 蚩尤冢上草已黄 ****s have grown on Chi You tomb 断头根苗今何方 Where is the pure blood 游遍黄河到长江 From Yellow River to The Yangtze River 遍地子孙尽炎黄 Everywhere are descendants of YanHuang 不周山峦早已断 Buzhou mountain has been already broken down 不见共工与刑天 Gong-gong and Xingtian have gone 浩然血气荡宇寰 Noble spirit fills the universe 万古英名传世间 Great reputation spread eternally 昔日猴王欲齐天 The former monkey King wanted to be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven 群猴聚义在水帘 He got together with his fellows in the Water Curtain Cave 神通广大又何用l But his talent and power was useless 只护凡僧上西天 It can only escort Tang Monk on his journey to the west 曾许富贵不相忘 They once promised that they woudn't forget each other whenever they get rich 揭竿而起大泽乡 Then it came the Daze Village Uprisingo 赏罚无当杀旧故 They started killing friends and making unproper rewards 心怀各异自为王 They all wanted to be the king with different purposes 智勇无双力扛鼎 Someone was both brave and resourceful 威慑华夏拔强秦 He overthoughed the Qin dynasty and became the new powerful king 孤傲重瞳举世空 While his superciliousness emptied his world 四面楚歌失人心 He was besieged on all sides and lost people's supporting in the end 瓦岗寨上乱哄哄 Wagang stockade was in mess 立场不如一根葱 Those soldiers were irresolute 混世魔王不成龙 The leader couldn't be the emperor 成了新朝一国公 He became a Lord-protector of the new empire 冲天一怒克长安 He powerfully took control of Changan city 敢教皇城换新颜 And bravely built a new dynasty 誓言成真终未济 But he failed in the end 江山葬送因内患 The Kingdom was ruined by internal troubles 梁山水泊空荡荡 The Liangshan Mount is empty now 去了招安的路上 Heroes are going to the court to accept the amnesty 南下讨伐为虚荣 Their former assault were for vanity 英雄不知惜英雄 Heroes do not cherish heroes 人杰自古多草莽 Outstanding personages are all greenwood heroes since ancient times 可叹一介布衣王 How pity is the humble-birth king 既得江山失忧患 He owed the territory but he was swayed by considerations of gain and loss 腹背难当终败亡 And finally failed for the potential dangers 同衣同食同钱使 They used to be like brothers 灭清扶汉借上帝 Fought with the Qing government under the name of god 贪恋天京不进取 But they stayed in the Tianjing capital without enterprise 手足相残互猜忌 fought and distrust each other 爬过井岗到黄洋