丢失的晚餐 作词 : 行者郁林 作曲 : 行者郁林 丢失的晚餐 The lost dinner 有两个黑影在暮色的河边垂钓 Two black shadows are fishing by the river 他们注视着浮标在秘密地交谈轻声地窃笑 They are watching the buoy talking secretly andsnickering quietly 那些丢失的红萝卜被肮脏河水卷走了 Those missing carrots have been swept away by the dirty river 孩子徘徊在码头边不安地张望焦急地寻找 Children are wandering anxiously along the wharf 父亲遗留下来的水泥船 The concrete boat left by their father 依然被栓在岸边的枯树上 is still tied on the deadwood on shore 正进入梦乡它又梦见了自己 When it is falling asleep it dreams itself 又回到了海上随风荡漾 going back to the sea again and blowing in the wind 枯树它钢铁般的躯干正努力伸向河面 The iron trunk of the dead trees is trying to reach the river 它用尽了一生的时间却未能够着河面 It has used its whole life but still not able to reach it 在它渴死之前它又看见自己弯曲的倒影 Before dying of thirst it see its twisted reflections and 和屈辱的一生正印那河面 the humiliation of life which are printed on the river 解开那缆绳撑着那船儿 Untie the rope drive the boat 去寻找那丢失的晚餐 Look for the missing dinner 问问那鱼儿鱼儿却跑了 Ask the fish but the fish swims away 自由的星空下机器人正带着镣铐满街奔跑 Under the starry sky of freedom a robot in chains is runing on ther street 暗淡的河面上漂满了马的头颅 There are full of the horse's heads floating on the dark river 回家的路上孩子你不必烦恼 On the way back home child don't worry 晚餐早已做好米饭煎鸡蛋 The dinner is ready there are fried eggs and rice 但亲人早已出门锅尚有余温 But families have gone out when the pot is still warm