ジ・アルティメット Heaven's torn asunder, and chaos tumbles down. The world turns crimson. The stirring begins. It thrashes, it crashes into the land. And into the skies it rises. In the empty skies is an inferno for me. In the world beyond is redemption. I weep alone in a world abandoned. I weep alone in a world abandoned. Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. Rebirth and destruction, again and again. Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. Rebirth and destruction, again and again. Stay blue, stay blue, stay blue! I've seen too much blood. and the flames have charred me through. Protect the sprawling blue. Keep it ever clear and pure. Rebirth and destruction, here at my command. Rebirth and destruction, again and again. その威光 白金(しろがね)の如し 天地鳴動 咆哮轟く 無限の空に光一筋 人も獣も等しく瞳に閉じ込めた 果て無き旅路 光を追って 彼方を目指す 神話の終わりに 目を閉じ 新たな夢を見よう