Paradise Lost -Avatar Battle- I am what I am, but who am I? Can't remember, brain tormented. Isolated, lost in my senses. Desecrated- aching, my spirit. Never, ever, no--forever, this endless war And yet, I bet, no regret, I could handle more: "Destory it all..." That call.So defined, so specific: carved on my mind, hieroglyphics. Ahhh... I get it. It's proof of the truth, the one darkest pact. Oh.. I get it. It's proof of the truth, the one darkest pact. No excuse to ensue. Better chew-on that: the chronic track inflicting naked fact. Let me feel the power, that could rip me to shreds. Can't last one more hour, how soon will i meet my end? I can't return to those days, that I've forgotten. But the memories fade, leaving me thinking. It is what it is, but where are we? World in my hand, palm of the damned. Chaos unleashed, the fall of man. Fallen belief- deceased, demon's command. Infernal, inferno, infamous malevolence. So evil, medieval, meticulous irreverence. So evil, medieval, meticulous irreverence. "Ohhh...DESTORY IT ALL!!!" You crawl with no vision: soul burned, cruel ambition imprisoned. But I'm proud to represent my ascent, your torment: the dark prince. Ruler and ruled. king of delusion; mock me mortal? Final conclusion. Let me feel the power,that could rip me to shreds. Can't last one more hour, how soon will i meet my end? I can't return to those days, that I've forgotten. But the memories fade, Leaving me thinking. How many times will my world revolve, future resolved, lost child in eternity, darkness evolved? Dosen't matter much. Deception: fated, hatred, anxiety. Clutch more souls- A few thousand to live, a few million enough. Nough. To become,to succumb. To crumble,to plunge. To feel the hatred. To grow numb. "Destory it all..." Let me feel the power, that could rip me to shreds. Can't last one more hour, how soon will i meet my end? I can't return to those days, that I've forgotten. But the memories fade, leaving me thinking. Let me feel the power, that could rip me to shreds. Can't last one more hour, how soon will i meet my end? I can't return to those days, that I've forgotten. But the memories fade, leaving me thinking. The memories fade, leaving me thinking.