MONEY 作词 : Nenly 作曲 : Nenly NENLYONIS 1ST DEMO ALBUM TRACK 05 MONEY SONG: NENLYONIS LYRIC: NENLYONIS ARRANGEMENT: NENLYONIS Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Okay 如果你曾经认真思考过金钱的含义 账面的流通数据堆积成虚无的货币 握紧在手里感受这钞票的购买力 当我们拥有在口袋里才能叫做Money 无数的工薪阶层穷极一生去交换的富裕 他们用自己的血肉之躯 架起城市的根基 而这些数字早被他们看在眼里 他们像堆雪人一样累积 财富 名声 还有权利 是这样吗 我们的生存空间太过拥挤 I am paying my living 在不如意的蜗居 害怕去计算多少年的工资换脚下一平方米 买不买得起你踩着的寸土寸金 我告诉自己未来全靠我自己努力 但有人刮中了彩票出生前领了奖品 更多人长大后肩膀上扛着一个家庭 妻子儿女父母亲 金钱是他存在的原因 记住了吗 我讨厌把钱渲染成万恶之源的文学作品 它们指责人为了利益蒙蔽良心 但现实呢 他们为生存爬得像只蚂蚁 贫穷的人甚至没有沾染罪恶的权利 所以你看到他们为了生活斤斤计较 This is for money 用尽全力养活自己 再往上爬一级阶梯 Money I called it dreaming One for the money Two for the living Three for the elevator down to my basement (Dream) 钱不是问题 问题出在了这个世界赋予钱的使命 用金钱交易 却又要用金钱来标榜自己 把财富累积 得到了却又不愿失去 这世界怎么看待钱我不关心 但我想知道钱它自己开不开心 Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money (We don't ... We don't ...) Let's talk about the money (We don't ... We don't ...) Let's talk about the money (We don't ... We don't ...) Let's talk about the money Yo 如果你曾经认真思考过金钱的含义 从本质说起它不过是等价用的赝品 我们在交易里各取所需 (Yeah) 所以请问你Do you need the money 如果你曾经认真思考过社会的问题 太多了或者太少都不会出现的问题 人间是不患寡而患不均 他们都害怕自己手里 没有一样多的纸片货币 讲道理 说钱是万恶之源不是没有道理 它催化了太多的恶性病 就好像诈骗 暴力 暗箱交易 战争还有核武器 为什么恐怖分子还不让这世界和平 I hate money和他们手中握住的AK-47 他们用最坏的一种方式 引起主流们的注意 同样是它孕育的胎儿却落下了畸形 最糟糕的是没有人帮你 听我说 那是我们见过的极端个例 但还有很多人 They're right under the average 住在潮湿的地下室从通风窗口窥探光明 Stop kidding 现在的地下室是 Parking Lot for Lamborghini 过量的金钱引起妒忌 贫穷的他们也想要Be rich 专家们把这个叫做经济 Yeah 有光明的地方就有阴影 让金钱照亮这个社会所有深灰色的倒影 I say One for the money Two for the living Three for the elevator down to my basement (Dream) 钱不是问题 问题出在了这个世界赋予钱的使命 用金钱交易 却又要用金钱来标榜自己 把财富累积 得到了却又不愿失去 这世界怎么看待钱我不关心 但我想知道钱它自己开不开心 Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money We don't talk about the money Let's talk about the money (We don't ... We don't ...) Let's talk about the money (We don't ... We don't ...) Let's talk about the money (We don't ... We don't ...) Let's talk about the money Money is a good servant And a bad master If your riches are yours Why don't you take them with you To the other world