FROM HELL 来自地狱 作词 : 2Night夜里/Lizah 作曲 : 2Night夜里 作曲 : 2Night夜里 作词 : 2Night夜里/Lizah My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸 My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸 Verse 1 2Night夜里 My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸 脱下旧的外套 斩下高贵的头颅 看着 前方妖魔的怪笑 势要 自我命名 神圣的救赎 此刻 破碎的梦中惊醒 举头痛饮 吞下燃烧灵魂的剧毒 即便鬼神当前也力图击破 我经过 荒芜家国的没落 是谁的过错 焚烧懦弱的自我 经得起磨练也 经得起世人的奚落 见证过上苍的无能 那便脚踩大地的图腾陨落 我允诺 坚守这片边疆哪怕是孤身一人 这命门由我守护 在我心中的某处 只因无处可归时它曾张开怀抱将我搂住 那就点燃倾斜生命的火焰 孤注一切 那就献祭锋利的刀刃 保其不灭 用心听 战场上游走 冰 冷剑的颤抖 右臂握住刀刃 左臂紧紧牵住子民的手 **而战 生的意义仅此一刻存在 拥抱了死亡 战意中愈发张狂, From hell we RISE My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸 My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸 Verse 2 Lizah It’s the morning call warns you that the peace time has gone The sound of silence mindless tastes the blood on your tongue My old mate locked me ******* blows me to the ground Fake asses and hate betrays is what shuts him down The crowd of violence reminds what’s been told type in Blinded right then miss the headlight where is the guidance I was blocked sight lost vision lyrics screaming is what I hear in Every ***t tearing madness to sadness rising There is a fist to your eye no more teasing He is still alive breathing wherever you hind I teach ya How to fix the problem right rip you in time How are you feeling no more *****ing just keep twitching this is the payback for what you did to me I was born to the freaking world where I see all the ******* scorns Despise me dislike me look down upon But after all I got torn up mind has dried out I stood up revive WIPE OFF from HELL NOW My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸 My Mind is Died Now It’s Time to Rise Again Saints Were Born From Hell With Fire and The Pain My Mind Has Dried out Devils goes insane 再放肆嘲笑 撕 碎丑恶的嘴脸